Thursday, January 1, 2015

::last month::

after the whirlwind that was november, december has been good to me.  we still had a lot going on (we put a house under contract, jeremy's new website and second book were released, plus preparing for and enjoying all things christmas). 

the last few years of our life have been very categorized by change.  sometimes change is exciting.  sometimes i look forward to the changes with anticipation and enthusiasm.  and sometimes change is hard.  sometimes i drag my feet kicking and screaming resisting the changes.  that never tends to go well for me... it usually results in me feeling bitter and frustrated until i finally make the decision to let go.  the last few months have been a time of embracing change.  of no longer looking back to how things were and being ungrateful and not present where i am, but this has been a time of starting to see all of the good in these changes.  to appreciate the changes.  to see the new blessings that the changes made room for in my life and heart.  of seeing change as a blessing and not an enemy.  and this is probably a good attitude shift considering i see several more changes on the horizon for 2015.


answers to so many of our prayers over the last few months.

all of the open doors and favor that god has given us. 


for wisdom, clarity and vision as we begin discussing and making goals for 2015 and the 5-10 years following.

for the process to go smoothly on the house we have under contract.


psalms, luke, isaiah, 1 samuel, micah, ezekiel, a homemade life, the greatest gift, young house love

thankful for:

 a slow{er} month. the ability to be present and engaged as i savored the moments.

family. time to be together and enjoy each other.

holiday traditions {new and old}. 

gifts.  material, spiritual, relational.  we are so very blessed with good things!

the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of my savior. 

an entire "me day".  all to myself.  i think it might have been the first one since we had our first child over 4 years ago.  a rich time of coffee shop dwelling, planning, preparing, resting, working out, shopping and hanging out with my maker.

christmas cards. i get giddy over opening our mail every december and seeing the faces of our loved ones on cards, and then displaying them on our mantle for the month.

chai nog lattes.  this is winter in a cup for me.  it warms my heart and body.

a smooth release of jeremy's new website and book and the fact that his book made it to a #1 best seller on amazon.

the probability of us owning a beautiful home as of early to mid-march.  it's such a perfect space for our little family. 

the generosity of others to watch our kids and give jeremy and i several dates this month.  the chance to focus on each other and stay connected.



christmas and birthday gifts.


all the usual activities; weekly ladies bible study, weekly homeless outreach, monthly book club, monthly community group, lots of playdates and dinners with friends.  lots of family nights and trips to see christmas lights.  several coffee, gym and dinner dates with my love.


the close of 2014 and some of the most important lessons along the way;
     - "your perceived lack is getting in the way of your gratitude"
     - "you give"/ a stirring to action
     - the new wine and not settling for what is "good enough"
     -my word for the year of "expect"... learning not just to believe that "greater things" can happen but to expect that they will happen. 
     - god revealing more specifics on my calling to me

my word for 2015:  ABIDE
according to merriam webster abide means
     - to stay or live somewhere
     - to remain or continue
     - to remain stable or fixed in a state

theologically speaking, i know that i am one with god.  that we are inseparable.  that i am spiritually always abiding in him, and him in me.  but, i often forget that.  my mind looses sight of this truth and needs to constantly be renewed of this reality.  i need to discipline my senses and take my thoughts captive so that the greatest truth and reality that i experience in any given moment with all of my body, heart, soul and mind is my position in christ, my identity in him, my oneness with him, his power, his peace, his joy, his resources and not my feelings, emotions or circumstances.  i want to in every moment understand (as merriam webster says) that i am stable and in a fixed state with god, that i will stay/ live/ remain/ continue with him.   i want my awareness of this union with him to be the center of everything i do, see, taste and experience.

i see a lot of action and "doing" in store for me in 2015.  that makes it crucial that i am constantly aware of my oneness with christ.  that i am constantly at rest in him.  that all of my doing is from a place of being and not a place of striving, lest it be futile.  i want to constantly, in each moment, live from a supernatural eternal perspective walking in faith and not letting my circumstances dictate my feelings, mood and outcomes.  i want to be so rooted in him that it's impossible for others to not see him in me, to not encounter him through me.  i want to change every person, situation and circumstance for the better because i am bringing the fullness of god to them.

      john 15:4 abide in me, and i in you. as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in me.

     psalm 91:1 he who dwells in the shelter of the most high will abide in the shadow of the almighty.

what are your 2015 goals/ resolutions?  do you have a word for the year?  how can i believe with you that god has great things for you this year?

may your 2015 be blessed... blessed with the knowledge of your oneness with god, knowing that he will never leave or forsake you, that he is with you always... blessed and overflowing with his abundant joy, peace, hope, power, provision, faith and love.  may this be your best year yet.  may you thrive.  may you be bold, brave and courageous. may your dreams be fulfilled.  may you love and be loved.  know and be known.  cherish and be cherished.  that is what we were created for! 

happy new year, friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your heart. Blessings for a year filled with wonder and growth, sparkles, laughter and miracles.
