Wednesday, September 24, 2014

::this month::



answers to two of the prayer needs that I posted last month!!!!  thank you all for your prayers and encouragement!!!  prayer really is powerful and effective and God really does answer our requests and is faithful to not only meet our needs, but our heart's desires.

a really encouraging and clarifying prophecy spoken over Jeremy this month.  it's always so cool to get very timely and specific words from someone who doesn't know us or our circumstances at all.  I love how God speaks to His people, and uses His people to do so.


for provision... we could really use some additional monthly donors and/or one time gifts for Bastion Ministries.

for favor, opportunities and open doors.

for wisdom on numerous details and decisions needing to be made soon including schooling for Noah and housing for us all.


Genesis, Psalms, 1 Kings, Luke, Organized Simplicity, Living Room Revolution, 1000 Gifts (again)

thankful for:

provision.  when we first went into ministry 2 years ago I prayed over each and every financial need and was so grateful as each one was met.  somewhere along the way I think I started to take our provision for granted and I now have a renewed appreciation for the provision we have.
people... how marvelously, creatively and uniquely God has designed each and every person.  how involved He is in all of the details.  thinking this week on my children's first set of teeth and how they'll eventually get a permanent set... things like this are not coincidences, He has designed us so specifically, for our good, that He even gave us a set of teeth as we learn to care for them, and then another permanent set as we are responsible enough to care for them.

creation... people, animals and nature all designed for us by our Maker... all for our good... all for our enjoyment.  how His glory and nature are revealed through each of these. 

cooler weather and the return of all things pumpkin. 



baby shower gifts and decorations and decorations and favors for noah's upcoming birthday party


all the usual activities; weekly ladies Bible study, monthly book club, monthly community group, lots of playdates and dinners with friends.

Jeremy traveling to Monroe, LA to speak at a conference.


the main thing that the Lord has been teaching me and doing in my heart this month has to do with gratitude... God keeps reminding me of a lesson that He taught Jeremy that Jeremy shared in his book.  the punch line of the lesson was something to the effect of "your perceived lack gets in the way of your gratitude".  this month I found myself continually focusing on the things that I didn't have that I wanted... whether it was stuff, relationships, acknowledgements etc. I was focusing on my lack... and that got in the way of my gratitude... I was staring right past all of the blessings and gifts that I do have missing out on all of that goodness to focus on what I didn't have.  I'm so grateful for God's gentle nudges and reminders.  I'm so grateful for Him giving me eyes to see all of the wonderful gifts that I do have and His working in my heart to find contentment in Him rather than circumstances, stuff, people etc.

may your month be blessed... with eyes to see all of the blessings and gifts from the Lord and a heart that delights and rejoices in each gift.  may your security, contentment, hope, joy and peace be found in Him, and Him alone.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm glad you are back!