Monday, December 31, 2012

::this week::

We found out that the little baby growing in my belly is a BOY!  Noah had been telling us that for a few weeks, and it is going to be so great for him to have a little brother to play with.  God had actually told Jeremy that it was a boy 2 weeks ago, and gave us a name for him, but more on that later when we share the name.

praising:  this sweet little life growing inside of me.  health for both of us.  the fact that my pregnancy has been really easy and enjoyable for the last several weeks.  God's faithfulness, mercy, grace.  His holiness.  how he pursues and speaks to me.  what a great year 2012 was for our family.

praying:  for the needs of others.  for our city, nation, and world.

thankful for:  the holidays... some great time with family... getting to watch Noah LOVE playing with his cousins... traditions... good food... Jeremy off of work for a week and lots of extra time with him... a date night... grandparents nearby who serve us by babysitting... all of the sweet and thoughtful gifts from others... having a baby around again, they really do help me to slow down and enjoy each moment... the sweet and gentle way that Noah plays with and cares for the new baby I'm watching, he has matured so much since a year ago and I was watching Hayden at 3 months.

reading: Jeremiah, 2 Kings, Momentum

cooking:  sesame salad dressing, steak, curried veggie dipsesame noodles, chocolate fondue with fruit, white chicken chili with jalapeno cheese cornbread, chocolate chip banana oat muffins, corn pudding, mac and cheese, BBQ and buffalo chicken pizza, cilantro pesto pasta, ham and bean soup, slow cooker hot dogs, lots of smoothies (my craving of the week)

creating:  pondering some projects for myself, now that all of my holiday gifts are done

doing:  started to watch a new kiddo who is currently two and a half months old.  still searching for a new to us car. celebrating J's sister's birthday.  hosting a low key pot-luck and board game New Year's Eve with friends.  breakfast with a sweet couple who pour into us and are co-laborers in the harvest.  coffee with a couple of friends.

reflecting:  on 2012.  2013.  the concept of spiritual inheritance... what I've received, what I'm passing on.  a lifestyle of gratitude and giving thanks in all circumstances.

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