Wednesday, August 1, 2012

::this week::

praying:  for opportunities to love others in action and in truth and to manifest the Kingdom on earth as in Heaven.  for boldness for such opportunities.

praising:  some healing and freedom the Lord has been doing in me this week.  I was struggling with some hurt feelings and relationships but am happy to say that He is healing those.  more than anything, once I take my eyes off of myself, my hurts, and my circumstances I am able to use my thoughts and energy to praise and worship Him, and to enjoy Him and what He is doing.

reading:  Psalms, Deuteronomy, Dreaming with God

cooking:  pizzahuevos rancheroschicken pavlavapumpkin cream cheese barslemon barssoy sesame honey baked tofupassion tea lemonadefish tacossweet and sour red cabbagerefried beans, carnitas with pickled red onions and jalapenos, guacamole, salsa, blueberry cupcakes with lemon cream cheese frosting, baked bacon wrapped jalapenos, queso blanco, peanut butter and banana baked oatmeal

doing:  hosting some dinners with other couples, some walk and coffee dates with friends, planning team meeting for our women's ministry/ planning a women's brunch for next month, throwing a baby shower for some sweet soon to be parents, starting the very beginning stages of birthday party planning for Jeremy, Noah, and our friend Nina, it's going to be a fun few months! 

creating:  the finishing touches on the baby shower decorations, the same patchwork dish towels and recovered living room pillow that I've been working on for weeks


this quote from Dreaming With God... "When unbelievers lead the way in inventions and artistic expression, it is because the church has embraced a false kind of spirituality".  Being challenged by a new definition of creativity, one that does not only involve the arts as our culture tends to define it.  Knowing that I have the creator of the universe dwelling in and communicating with me.  Pondering what it would look like to see all believers tap into the creativity of their God, to see them lead the way in innovations, creativity, and wisdom in each of their industries as God gives them creative solutions, and they manifest His glory in all that they do.

a new understanding of what spiritual wilderness is.  I've always thought of it as a lack of the presence of God, of a dry season.  Upon reading Psalms and Deuteronomy this week I'm starting to see the wilderness in a new way.  God was present in the wilderness with Israel, He guided them by cloud and fire, each day, every step of the way.  He was present and dwelt among them.  He continued to do miracles for them providing manna, quail, and water from a rock.  I'm starting to see the wilderness as not a period of dryness from God, but as a discipline from God, a plan other than His original/ best, like it was for Israel.  I'm starting to understand that in those seasons He is still present, still guiding, and still speaking.  I'm understanding Psalm 65:12 The grasslands of the wilderness become a lush pasture,and the hillsides blossom with joy.  Along with all of this, I'm thinking about what it means to enter and live in the "promised land".  Deuteronomy 12:9-10  because you have not yet arrived at the place of rest, the land the Lord your God is giving you as your special possession. But you will soon cross the Jordan River and live in the land the Lord your God is giving you. When he gives you rest from all your enemies and you’re living safely in the land.  I'm wondering if I'm in my promised land, or in the wilderness right now.  I'm wanting to see myself, and others, live in their "place of rest" and "promised land".

Christ centered friendships.  I have a longing for relationships that are truly centered on Him.  I feel like so much of my time is spent thinking and talking about things that are of this world, that really have no significance or importance.  I desire relationships that are rooted in and based on Christ, where most of what we talk about is Him, His glory, and what He is doing in and through us.  I have a hunger for this, but it all starts with our hearts.  If He is truly at the center of our hearts and priorities than He will be what we think about, talk about, dream about etc.  I'm wondering why even when a group of believers get together it tends to be awkward to talk about the Lord (unless we are meeting for a Bible study).  Why are we more comfortable talking about worldly things than spiritual things?

enjoying:  we had a great time visiting family in VA, but are happy to be home settling back into our everyday routine with the friends and city that we love.  I have this week off from watching the baby and am enjoying some extra one on one time with Noah, and some extra time with friends... all before I start watching another toddler 1 day a week next week, in addition to the baby that I have been watching.  Noah and I have visited lots of playgrounds, taken lots of walks, read lots of books, and played, wrestled, driven trucks and been silly lots this week!

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