Wednesday, June 20, 2012

::this week::

reading:  Leviticus, Isaiah, The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind

praying:  for the Lord to make our path straight... for His guidance and provision.  for my friendships/ relationships to be centered on and submitted to the Lord, used for encouraging and spurring on others.  for a more keen awareness of the spiritual realm and battle. 

praising:  for such great friends.  we are surrounded by so many wonderful people who are all so unique and special.  God is so creative, and His body is so beautiful!  I've been really enjoying having lots of rich time with special friends lately.  for His provision... so shortly into our new step of faith He is already providing exactly what we need, exactly when we need it.  that God tore down a wall of lies that has been building in my heart for the last few weeks.  that Jeremy and I are so equally yoked, united, and in such a great place in our marriage... I am such a blessed woman to be married to such an amazing man, daddy, and leader!

cooking:  pumpkin bread, huevos rancheros, hummus, blueberry breakfast cake, pizza, chai gingerbread bars, whole wheat mac and cheese with squash puree in the sauce, a veggie tray with my favorite curried veggie dip

creating:  some new art work for our walls with Scripture on it, patchwork dish towels, re-covering some old living room pillows

looking forward to:  a weekend beach trip with our community group, a 3 day weekend with my love, and the two 3.5 hour car rides that we'll have alone with each other... car rides have always been one of my favorite things to do with J!

being challenged to:  listen more.  talk less.  use the words that I do utter for good (Ephesians 4:29), to constantly encourage others. 

learning:  I'm realizing that although some of my struggles (with fear, insecurities, etc) are common, they are not normal in the Christian life. That normal should be the reality of who we are in Christ. For years I have been selling myself short by accepting the lie that these things (that are clearly of the enemy and not of God) are normal.  I'd been using that as an excuse to not grow and break out of them.  I was making agreements with these lies and allowing them power in my life.  And now I'm rebuking them in the name of Jesus, and receiving the freedom found in His authority!

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