Thursday, May 9, 2013

::this week::

praising:  more miraculous healings over the last week where we have seen God touch and heal people of shoulder injuries, back injuries, and begin to restore life and movement to someone struggling with paralysis... leading these people into a deeper understanding of God's love, power, goodness, purpose, and will.  more unexpected provision for our ministry... God has been so good to us!

praying:  for sweet friends who lost their baby girl last week.  this city, country, and the nations.  for a more permanent office for Jeremy... we were blessed with a space he can use from time to time, but we'd really like somewhere he can "set up shop", make his own, put his stuff in, and have a quiet place to seek the Lord and minister to others... all at no cost to us.  as things get close, that all would go well and smoothly with Elisha's birth.

thankful for:  each day... each moment... loved ones to share life with... a good, faithful, loving, personal, almighty, powerful God who is always constant, present, and perfect.  a sweet note from my hubby... how well he pursues and loves me even after 6 years of marriage.  our 2 sweet boys.  lots of chances this week to reconnect and touch base with sweet friends.  beautiful weather.

reading:  Psalms, Hosea, Mark, Your Power in the Holy Spirit by John G Lake, and Greater Works by Smith Wigglesworth

doing:  weekly doc appointment.  lunch date with a friend.  zoo trip with some ladies and kiddos.  walks and catch up dates with a few friends.  enjoying that I am now unemployed and no longer watching other people's kids.  soaking up my last few moments with just Noah and our family of 3... and sleeping through the night.  nesting... lots of cleaning, organizing, sorting, and preparing.

cooking:  pizza, baked oatmeal, parsley pesto pasta, massaged kale salad, smoothies, salad with ginger peanut dressing, pasta with peas and prosciutto, asparagus cooked the way I do Chinese green beans, cilantro ginger tilapia

creating:   some wedding presents for friends and the beginnings of some Christmas presents


Daniel.  he might be my new favorite person in the Bible, aside from God/ Jesus/ Holy Spirit.  He had crazy favor in all that he did.  He had integrity and never wavered, even though he was in a worldly position in a pagan nation he was not led astray, but yet influenced kings and leaders, displaying God's wisdom and power and leading these leaders to praise God.  He had BIG faith.  He heard God clearly and had crazy encounters with Jesus and angels in visions and dreams.  He saw (and expected) big miracles... being delivered from the fiery furnace and the shutting of the lions mouths.  He had elaborate, specific revelation from God... His prophecies were deep, intricate, and proved true of the years.

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