Thursday, October 18, 2012

::this week::

praising:  God's provision.  despite some hold up in details over our ministry, submitting some paperwork for the 501c3, and sending our support letters to start raising money, I have been blown away by the promises of provision that have been coming to us.  at times, I start to get stressed, realizing that we have two months left of J working his job, and then we're on our own.  I get overwhelmed by all that needs to be done.  by having no idea what our finances will be like come January.  I want to control it.  I want to plan it.  I want to make things happen.  BUT, like I said, there have been some reasons that we keep needing to wait before moving forward due to some missing information that we need.  and then the fact that we have not reached out and sought these things on our own, but that God is giving us favor, working in the hearts of His people, bringing these things to us, has been such a great reminder of His sovereignty... that He is in control.  that all of my attempts to plan and grasp for control are meaningless anyway.  that He is present, and perfect, and good.  that I can relax and trust Him.  that worry is futile.  I'm blown away that He has put it on people's hearts to give to us... I think I cry almost every time that someone tells us they are going to give to us.  I am humbled.  overwhelmed by emotion that these people love us, believe in us, support us, not only with words, but through their actions and finances.  and I pray that I never loose sight of that gratitude... never take for granted the people who give to us, never come to expect it, but am always moved to emotion by it.  I pray that we are faithful, faithful with what is entrusted to us, good stewards of every last drop of money, time, energy, Truth, love, provision, and resources that the Lord brings our way.  He is SO worth it!  SO more than worth it!

praying:  for the remainder of details that still need to be worked out.  for guidance, clarity, and wisdom on some doors that have been opening to us, ministry related.  for the needs, desires, and struggles of those around us.  to see God  move, in this city, in mighty supernatural ways, that can only be explained through Him.

thankful for:  amazing, encouraging friends.  a helpful, graceful husband.  a bag of new to me clothes that no longer fit a friend.  a little extra help with Noah from my mother-in-law this week, so I can get some rest, and knock out some of my to-do list that hasn't budged in weeks.

reading:  Ecclesiastes, 1 Samuel, Desperate Women of the Bible, 1000 Gifts

cooking:  fish tacos, warm sesame slaw, wine simmered mushrooms, pasta with bolognese sauce, egg mcmuffins, buffalo chicken dip, pizza, mushroom stroganoff

loving: the way the Noah loves to watch football with his daddy.

doing:  not much.  laying low.  community group.ladies Bible study.  one walk date with a friend.  60th birthday party for Jeremy's dad.  trying to tackle sorting through my over stuffed closet and drawers and getting rid of some items that I don't wear.

creating:  more Christmas presents.  more decorations and favors for Noah's birthday party.

1 comment:

  1. Glad for His provision and your reliance and the fruit of JOY that will surely grow and grow! Love y'all! Happy almost birthday to your handsome little man! :)
