Friday, September 21, 2012

::this week::

This was one weird week!  Last Saturday a baby was born to a close friend in our community group, then Sunday we learned of the death of a friend from our church.  This week was been a whirlwind of life and death, and the things that surround them.  I've received an answer to a prayer that I've been praying for months, but am not ready to share on that yet... soon.  We've had some confusion regarding the direction of our ministry, and desperately need the Lord to make our path straight, as Jeremy will only be working at his office for a few more short months.

I've been crazy busy and buried under plans for meal delivery for the family with the new baby.  And also organizing and planning meals for the wife of the deceased man.  And the visitation.  And for the family after the funeral.  And for the life celebration event the day after the funeral.  I feel like I barely came up for air this week, and am looking forward to some down time, and time to process and reflect this week.

Amidst the craziness and chaos, I can say that Edmund's funeral was the most beautiful, and glorifying to the Lord, funeral that I have ever attended.  It was sweet.  Sad.  Funny.  Christ centered.  People encountered the one true God, and will never be the same as a result, and there is nothing more that anyone could have asked for than that.  I was so encouraged to see the way our church pulled together, a church made up of such a young congregation who has never had to deal with a funeral before.  Everyone chipped in, gave, loved, served, prayed, comforted, celebrated, remembered, and clung to Christ.  Each body part performed their role, and I am so honored to be a part of a body that clings draws to each other, and our Saviour, so tightly in hard times!  This week I have been constantly meditating on God as the giver of life.

praising:  the sweet little life of baby Caroline, born to our friends.  an answer to one of my most heart felt recent prayers.  the body of Christ.  new life in Christ for many as a result of the testimony that Edmund's life has left.

praying:  for our church.  for Edmund's family, widow, and friends... there will be a few tough months ahead for them.  for wisdom on the next steps for our ministry, that the Lord would make our path straight.

reading:  Proverbs, Ruth, 1 Samuel, Dreaming with God, Desperate Women of the Bible, Kinfolk

pondering:  Like I mentioned last week, I'm continuing to learn my need for margin in my life.  Despite my love of being social I'm realizing just how much I do need lots of quiet, unscheduled/ unrushed time (I've always known that I'm an introvert, but I think I've been denying it with my actions recently).  When I'm not always engaging in conversations, when I'm not always rushing from one thing to the next, when I'm not constantly stimulated by distractions, then I have more time to listen to God.  To rest in His presence.  To be present in, and cherish each moment.  For His peace and joy to permeate me, that my cup may overflow to everyone that I do end up encountering.  Eventually, I'd like to be a lot better at listening to God and resting in His presence even in the presence of other people, even with lots going on around me.  But in this season, He has me really cultivating those disciplines in my more quiet and slow time with the kiddos, to then build on that in a later season.

cooking:  slow-cooker Indian curry, shrimp and grits casserole, butter beans and corn, baked oatmeal, spinach & mozzarella breakfast casserole, sausage & cheddar breakfast casserole, chai bars, pizza, Chinese Char Siu (roast pork), sriracha/ lime/ honey/ peanut brussels sprouts, pumpkin muffins, wine simmered mushrooms

creating:  the beginnings of some Christmas presents

doing:  Still protecting my week day mornings/ days so that I can have margin in my life.  A little more plans than we have had lately though, hosting a few dinners with friends, bringing food to a dear friend who just had a baby, hosting community group, hosting and leading our ladies study/ Desperate Women...

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