Wednesday, December 19, 2012

::this week::

praising:  God... His goodness, faithfulness, presence, guidance, Spirit...

praying:  for the needs/ requests of others.

reading:  1 Kings, Isaiah, 1000 Gifts

thankful for:  beautiful weather.  the laughs and smiles of the sweet little ones I get to watch.  Jesus... Christmas... redemption, salvation, freedom, and victory through Him.

cooking:  spinach balls, slow cooker ratatouille, baked oatmeal, sausage and cheddar breakfast casserole, pumpkin gingersnap cookies, toffee cookiessesame noodles, hummus, tabbouleh, rosemary curry spiced nuts, chocolate fondue with fruit, green bean casserole, pumpkin pasta, cranberry sauce, macaroni and cheese, black bean rice and corn casserole, braised coconut chickpeas with spinach, green smoothiesBBQ chicken quesedillaslentil salad, no bake peanut butter oat cookiescurry dip with a veggie tray

creating:  the finishing touches on a few Christmas presents

doing:  purchasing and delivering groceries to three of our neighbors as a Christmas giving opportunity for our community group.  community group Christmas party.  my mom comes in town for a little less than a week.  Jeremy's brother, his wife, and their two kids come in town, so we'll be busy doing lots of fun family stuff.

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