Wednesday, November 7, 2012

::this week::

I am THRILLED to say that I am starting to feel better... to feel like me again... to have energy, not feel constantly sick, and to just enjoy my life again.  I am SO grateful that I'm not one of those women that feels sick their entire pregnancy, because 6 weeks was hard enough for me.  I forgot how much I love and enjoy my everyday life... probably because it has been a while since I have enjoyed anything.  It feels so good to settle back into our normal routine, to take morning walks to the playground, to jog, to cook, and to just enjoy and be present with the people I'm around.  I feel like I have a whole new appreciation for feeling well, and for the simple but amazing life the Lord has given me.  I am so grateful for the sweet kiddos I get to hang with, for this beautiful city, the beautiful park within walking distance, playgrounds, sunshine, free time, access to varieties of foods, and the community we have here in New Orleans (just to name a few).

praying:  for the needs/ struggles/ requests of many that have been made known to me over the last week.  my heart is aching for so many people right now.  pondering if this is a specific attack on our church and/ or city right now.  if this is a reflection of the busy end of the year for everyone.  is this is an attack pushing God's people from thankfulness, rest, peace, joy, and the Lord's presence during the holiday season.

praising:  restoration in my relationships with the Lord, family, and friends as I feel better and have energy to invest in those relationships again.

reading:  Song of Songs.  1 Samuel.  1000 Gifts.

thankful for:  a big bag of hand me downs for Noah, plus some recent great yard sale finds for him.  thrilled that it doesn't look like we'll need to buy any new clothes for him for this size/ season.  AMAZING weather this week.

cooking:  baked crab rangoon, Thai coconut corn soup, pizza, huevos rancheros, lentil salad, applesauce muffins

creating:  Christmas gifts.  decorations for a birthday party we're hosting next week for a sweet friend.

doing:  hosting a friend for dinner.  slowly slipping back into my routine and things I like to do as I begin to feel better.  Chick Fil A lunch to chat with some mommas and let the kiddos enjoy the play place.

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