Wednesday, August 22, 2012

::this week::

praying: for revival in our city, for our whole city to be transformed into the image of Christ, displaying His likeness and character to the world.  for our gathering starting next month.  for ever single thing I do and word I say to be done in the love of Christ.  that I would be so full of Him that I couldn't contain it and He would continue to overflow from me to others.  for patience, and to trust in the Lord and His timing.

praising:  1.) our sweet community of friends here in NOLA.  without our asking, 3 different couples approached us to bless us by paying for our hotel and food for our anniversary.  I am seriously moved by this, that our friends love us so much that they would like to bless us in this way.  my heart is full and I feel loved and cared for and excited to enjoy some fancier things that Jeremy and I would not have been able to afford in this season.  2.) the amazing miracles that we have gotten to witness and be a part of lately.  we just found out that a women who Jeremy prayed over recently for stomach cancer went back to the doctor and there was no sign of cancer in her stomach.  the Spirit is moving in this city in a mighty way.  3.) a really good week... I've had 4 different kiddos in and out of my house that I've been watching this week and they've all been very obedient (mostly), gotten along, and had lots of fun.  really grateful that I get so much time to enjoy, play with, and invest in some little ones.

reading:  Psalms, Joshua, Dreaming with God by Bill Johnson

cooking:  pumpkin cream cheese bars, pizza, spinach and black bean enchiladas, spicy chicken enchiladas, chicken pavlava, fish tacos with black bean and corn salad, spinach mozzarella breakfast casserole, green curry lentils

creating:  cloth baby wipes for a friend, re-covered living room pillow, t shirt for Noah's birthday party

doing:  hosting community group and several meals with friends

pondering:  Joshua 3... when the priests and 12 leaders of the tribes of Israel had to step into the Jordan river before it dried up.  Thinking about how often God requires us to step out in faith to receive His promise... that our circumstances may look contrary to His promise, but that we need to believe, be obedient, and step into action for His word to come true.  The river did not dry up until their feet had stepped into it, proceeding forward despite the obvious challenge before them in the natural realm.  This speaks to my heart right now as we transition into full-time ministry, and in the natural realm our circumstances look a little discouraging... clinging to God's promise to us and stepping into the Jordan to receive our promised land... a land of rest, and overflowing with milk and honey.  This continues to be a difficult lesson for me about stepping into action despite how my circumstances appear.

celebrating:  our 5 year anniversary (Aug 25)!!!!!  enjoying a 3 day weekend; a day of family time on Friday, a stay in a nearby hotel for me and Jeremy for Saturday night, and a romantic dinner for the two of us.  looking forward to some one on one time with my sweetie including some workout time, pool time, and time spent resting in the presence of the Lord!

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