Tuesday, February 5, 2013

::this week::

Yesterday was Jeremy's first day of full-time ministry.  He really wanted to jump right into actual ministry and not establish a comfort zone by focusing on the administrative details that we need taken care of for our ministry (we'll get to those later).  I am so proud of him for diving right in, even to situations that aren't in his comfort zone.  Here is his recap from day 1...

"So far, for my first day on the job, I ended up in the French Quarter and Central City, saw a couple of people healed, shared the love of Jesus with a bunch of people, hugged an old lady and stumbled across this shooting."

Praise God.  So excited to see how God is going to use him/ us in this city.  So humbled to be able to play a small part of what I believe is going to be a much bigger move of God in this area.

praising:  that both Jeremy and I get to do our dream jobs... exactly what we are confident that we are created to do, and the favor that God gives us in those.  opportunities for Jeremy to share the love and power of God with others.  answers to some recent prayer requests for friends and how faithful our God is!

praying:  for more provision for our ministry.  for an office for Jeremy to use as a home base during the day (considering we do not have an extra room in our home, and it gets crazy and hectic here around the day with multiple kiddos).  for protection and favor for Jeremy as he goes out to engage the poor and broken people in this city... for God to show up in mighty ways changing lives and transforming hearts.  for wisdom, patience, and discernment to shepherd our kid well as we try to rid him of some misbehavior patterns... for a teachable and obedient heart for Noah in the process. 

thankful for: fresh eggs from some friend's chickens.  Monday mornings to myself... some time at the gym to exercise, read, and be quiet, and then some sweet time of study and fellowship with some ladies.  my MIL living nearby and serving me by watching Noah on Monday mornings (and really whenever we need it).  the sweet flutters of movement from the baby in my belly.  that J doesn't spend 2 hours a day commuting anymore... although he is out of the house and working 8-5 we still get him home and around more now that most of his time will be spent in neighborhoods near our house.

reading: Psalms, Chronicles, Jeremiah, Letters from a Skeptic

cooking:  migas casserole, made over ramen noodles, red beans and rice, fried rice, sauteed red cabbage, Mexican and BBQ chicken pizzastex mex egg rolls

doing:  ladies Bible study.  multiple dinners with some friends and family.  community group.  zoo trip with some moms and kiddos.  low key party for a mardis gras parade.

pondering:  2 Chronicles 5:13-14 ...At that moment a thick cloud filled the Temple of the Lord.  The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple of God.  Asking God to experience His presence like this... to be so overcome with it that I can't even continue what I'm doing... in my home, in our church, in our city.

(also from 2 Chronicles) That like David with Solomon and the Temple... not all that we have a passion to do is our job... sometimes our purpose is to equip another person for the task/ assignment that we have a passion for... David wanted to build it, but God told him that it was not his purpose, so David arranged the materials and workers for Solomon to complete the task.

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