Monday, May 21, 2012

::this week::

cooking:  iced coffee, sun-dried tomato pesto pasta, pizza, Thai chicken enchiladas, salted caramel cookie bars, salad with tangy tomato dressing, garlic noodles, black bean rice and corn casserole, hummus, spinach and mozzarella breakfast casserole

reading:  Exodus, Practicing His Presence, The Discipline Book

praising:  the glory and faithfulness of God.  that His mercies are new every morning.  that He is doing a great work in our church family and pouring out His Spirit upon our body!

praying:  1.) for our city, and neighborhood.  mourning for a shooting on our street that took the life of a 21 year old man.  the lack of value for life around here is so sad.  the fact that this is nothing, a regular occurrence in this city is so sad.  praying that I never get desensitized to things like this even though they happen all of the time around here.  praying comfort for the families... that this would spark life change... that it would put an end to the generational sin and poverty mentality that is continuing to be passed down from generation to generation.  praying for the salvation, freedom, and healing that only Jesus can bring for this city.  2.) praying and fasting (along with our women's ministry) to intercede for the homes in New Orleans... that they would be filled with the Holy Spirit and centered on Him.  that they would be houses of worship, of prayer, of hospitality.  that they would be places of refuge for our families.

doing:  hosting a few friends over for dinner throughout the week and community group.  planning a ladies and kiddos zoo trip for Friday.  need to work on the project I keep putting off of backing up all of our pictures and videos that are on our computer.

creating:  still working on putting new velcro on all of Noah's diapers, some Father's Day cards, and some baby shower decorations

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