Tuesday, May 8, 2012

::this week::

cooking:  sundried tomato pesto, spinach feta and sundried tomato breakfast casserole, pizza, hummus with homemade pita bread, spinach and black bean enchiladas, passion tea lemonade, chocolate dipped fruit and nut balls, French lemon yogurt cake, braised coconut spinach chickpeas, salad of spinach mushrooms corn eggs tomatoes cucumbers and tangy tomato dressing, greek salad

reading:  Practicing His Presence, Genesis

listening:  Bryan and Katie Torwalt

praying:  for provision.  for the desires of our hearts to be met.  for a fun time with my mom this weekend.  to seek Him above all else, and to find my security, worth, and motivation in Him alone.

praising:  1) a fun season for our marriage.  being more constantly connected spiritually and emotionally then we have in a while... maybe ever.  enjoying exercises in spiritual disciplines together.  2)  that God works all things for the good of those who love Him, even the things the enemy meant to harm us... specifically an argument that Jeremy and I had that was able to draw us closer. 3) freedom, through Christ, from the largest insecurity that I've been struggling with lately.

looking forward to:  a visit from my mom this weekend.  a ladies clothing swap at our church this Friday.  community group at our house Wednesday.

meditating on:  Psalm 37:7  continuing to grow in my ability to be still before the Lord.  continuing to grow in my ability to quiet the noise of the world and listen to the Lord.  continuing to grow in practicing His presence.  the humanness of the fathers of our faith shown in Genesis... such a great example that God doesn't use perfect people, because none of us are perfect. 

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