Monday, May 7, 2012

a new day

I have been a comfortable and complacent Christian for far too long.  I'm tired of religion.  of theology.  of discussing Christian theory.  of not obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit because they are inconvenient for me.  I'm tired of being lukewarm.  I want to be on fire.  full of the Holy Spirit.  manifesting His power.  exercising His authority.  proclaiming His name with boldness.  known for His perfect love.  characterized not by what I am against, but by what I am for.  by being for people.  I want to expect miracles.  to have a keen awareness of the spiritual battle going on.  to be used by God.  to hear Him.  to know Him intimately and deeply.  to spend less time talking at Him and more time listening to Him.  to be constantly aware of His presence.  for each of my days to be in constant communion with Him.

Jesus, make it so.  rid me of all complacency.  of all selfishness.  of all things that I love more than you.  of all things that distract me from you.  I ask for a fresh filling of your Holy Spirit.  give me confidence in your power and authority in me, and in my ability to exercise it.  rid me of all fear and doubt.  of all insecurities.  may I find my security in you, and you alone.  may you be all I need.  may I live only to know you, and to make you known.  may this day be a spiritual marker in my journey, a day from which point forward everything is different.  everything becomes alive to me, as if waking up from a deep sleep.

I repent of gossip.  of judgement.  of pride.  the weight of these things has kept me down.

I embrace you Lord.  from this day forward may I be characterized by the fruit of your Spirit.  by your love.  by your joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  may I operate, grown, and thrive in the gifts of the Spirit... the gifts of miracles, of healing, of tongues, of words of wisdom and knowledge, of faith, or interpretation, of discerning of spirits, and of prophecy.  may I be full of faith, supernatural faith.  may your word be alive to me.  may you be more real to me than anything of this world.

Today marks a new day.  the beginning of a journey.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you for new mercies.

Matthew 22:37-40

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

1 Corinthians 4:20

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