Wednesday, March 21, 2012

::this week::

reading: A Meal with Jesus, Margin: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives, Streams in the Desert, Hebrews

Hillsong, Nothing but the Blood

Hillsong, Lead Me to the Cross

enjoying: these beautiful flowers that my hubby brought me home "just because".  I really needed to feel special this week, and these were so much more meaningful than I can describe with words!  Jeremy isn't an obligation type of guy, so he almost never buys me flowers for specific holidays, just because he's not a cliche guy.  He is very good at bringing me flowers, or doing sweet and special things, just because he wants to though.

praising: today, even more than normal, I am so grateful for community, and our specific community group!  so grateful for the chance to receive the ministry and prayers of others this evening when I really needed it.  so much in awe at how the Lord uses His body to minister to and encourage each other.  feeling so blessed to be able to experience Him in this way.  praising God for freeing me from feeling "dry" over the last 2 weeks.  feeling humbled at all of the ugliness in my heart He is showing me has been the cause of it all.  all the more grateful for His grace and forgiveness as a result, and the grace and forgiveness of others.  so grateful for that man of man, for his strong leadership, and his strong relationship with the Lord!

praying: constantly for the needs and struggles of many friends and family.  my heart is heavy and burdened with prayer, this week, even more than normal.  for increased and supernatural faith for myself. that the truth from the words prayed over me this evening would be real to me, as opposed to the lies that I've been believing.  that the men of our church would connect with the Lord and each other in profound ways at their retreat this weekend.

learning: to be present. to wait upon the Lord.  but not to over wait... to be sensitive to the prompting of the Spirit for when I need to step out of waiting.  to trust God, even when I don't like His response.

looking forward to: girls board game night and sleep over at my house of Friday, yard saling Saturday, a wine and cheese party at our house on Saturday, some family time and the chance to corporately worship on Sunday.

creating: prayer board, party decorations, refinished lamp.

being challenged by: Exodus 24 (send to me by a friend)... that Moses had to wait 6 days on the mountain before God showed up. Psalm 46:10. The amazing faith of those mentioned in Hebrews 11.  The picture of community in Hebrews 10:23-24. 

feeling: humbled.  liked God is doing a major Psalm 139:23-24 on me this week.

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