Wednesday, March 14, 2012

::right now::

reading: A Homemade Life: Stories and Recipes from my Kitchen Table, The Discipline Book, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.

creating: party favors and decorations for a party we are hosting at the end of the month, baby presents,  a prayer board to hang in our bedroom, a made-over yard sale lamp (all will be posted upon completion)


Holy Spirit, by Bryan and Kaite Torwalt

And Fall Afresh, by Jeremy Riddle

these two songs are ministering to my soul right now!

cooking/ eating: pizza with turkey pepperoni, mushrooms and jalapenos; curried Kenyan cabbage; pumpkin scones; braised radishes, beef and broccoli (recipes for those two to come later in the week), and maybe some pickled carrots that are intriguing me

planning: a girls board game night in 2 weeks, a wine and cheese pairing party at our house in 2 weeks, a baby shower for July

learning:  listening to lots of Kris Vallotton sermons via itunes.  challenged this week by the fact that the Bible isn't necessarily Truth on it's own... but the Bible by the Spirit is Truth... that the Bible in the hands of the devil is a lie (ex. the temptation of Jesus).  the goal of christianity is not to know the Bible, but to know the author.  John 5:38-40  Ephesians 3:17-19... "to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge..."

loving: longer days.  mild weather.  a houseful of kiddos that I have the privilege of shepherding.  our newly refinsihed table.  knowing that I'll have a date night with my hubby this weekend.  2 Timothy 1:6-7.

cherishing:  this season with my sweet little boy who is endlessly changing.  soaking up the snuggles.  time spent in my lap.  the laughter.  the silly faces.

missing: that handsome husband of mine... who has been gone for 3 days... the longest that we've been apart EVER... not to mention the longest he's been away from Noah ever. and the amazing coffee that said husband makes me.  since I don't know how to make it his way I've been having 3 cups of tea a day instead of coffee.  and this family who invested so much in us during our time in Myrtle Beach.

praying:  for a several day spiritual dryness to be over... for an overwhelming sense of the Lord's presence... to hear His voice

praising:  God's provision... spiritually, emotionally, physically... He is SO good!  for community... to have such amazing friends to "do life with".  for our health.  for my "job".  for parks, playgrounds, and beauty all around us.

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