Thursday, September 13, 2012

::this week::

praying:  that I would have eyes to see each and every person the way that God created them... that I would see each and every person as created in His image... that I would see their destiny (not their current struggles, conflicts, circumstances), and that I would be able to call those forth from them spurring them to step into those destinies.

praising:  some additional favor and provision for us as we continue to pursue the open doors that God is giving us as Jeremy will soon no longer be at his job and will soon be in full-time ministry.

reading:  Judges, Psalms, Desperate Women of the Bible, Kinfolk, Dreaming with God

cooking:  lettuce wraps, garlic noodles, cinnamon roll cake, chai bars, lemon bars, pumpkin bread, skinny pasta carbonara, warm lentil salad, jerk chicken with rice and beans, pizza

creating:  some cupcake wrappers and toppers for upcoming birthday parties, as well as some fun activities for said parties

doing:  starting an 8 week ladies Bible study (Desperate Women of the Bible) that I will be leading at our house. 

attending a ladies Scavenger Hunt in the French Quarter. 

other than that, not much.  I've been enjoying a slower pace the last few weeks, one with lots of margin, and not many plans.  I've been enjoying lots of extra time to play at the park with Noah in the mornings, and afternoons tinkering around the house while the kiddos play and nap.  I've been enjoying enjoying... with a more relaxed pace, one without rush or pressure, I'm able to better be present in, and cherish each moment.  As much as I like being social, seeing people, and doing fun things, I think that me, the kids I watch, and my family all thrive when I have a slower pace.

pondering:  gratitude. (inspired by this post by a friend).  wanting to read 1000 Gifts, and wanting to start my own list.  Philippians 4:8.


worshipping the Lord with all that I do/ doing ALL to His glory. 

the difference between tools of the devil (i.e. pride, judgement, gossip, etc.) being common vs normal for Christians... they are NOT normal for Christians, but are common... I no longer want to accept them as normal, making excuses for behavior that is not from the Spirit, behavior that is contradictory to who I am in Christ... constantly coming back to my identity in Him, that I am the righteousness of Christ... and I will act like it.

being slow to speak (James 1:19).  not having any idle words (Matthew 12:36).  using all of my words for good/ to encourage others (Ephesians 4:29). 

listening:  lots of IHOPKC, I love how such a large amount of their songs involve singing passages of scripture, it's SO.  VERY.  POWERFUL. 

been listening to lots of Todd White meetings via itunes... he brings Truth, so much truth that I have to listen to each talk multiple times to let the Truth sink in that I want to glean.  one of my favorite things about Todd White is that he NEVER makes fun of anyone... I find that so many pastors use humor at the expense of someone else, and to me that is not love, so I LOVE it and find it quite refreshing when someone doesn't do that.

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