Friday, March 29, 2013

::this week::

praising:  some really cool provision and answers to months of prayer this week... not ready to share the details on all of them yet, but they include several specific needs we've had, a donation to our ministry, and even a bag of coffee... just a great reminder that God is with us, provides, is faithful, and cares about our needs and desires.  the healing of a man that Jeremy got to pray with this week.  after multiple days of sickness my 4 day fever finally ending the night Jeremy prayed for me.  the life, death, and resurrection of Christ... that the enemy has been defeated, that Christ is alive and in us, and that we have all power and authority through Him to go and do greater works than He did!

praying: for some future desires for our ministry to come to fruition.  to see the people of this city, nation, and world saved, healed, and set free through relationship with Christ.

thankful for:  a rich evening of fellowship, worship, prayer, teaching, and ministry time last Friday night... I could see Jeremy and I holding meetings very similar to the one we attended one day.  having the Friday evening meeting and travel time alone with my hubby... a great chance to catch up and talk about our hearts.  a coffee date with J Saturday afternoon.  my MIL watched Noah overnight Friday for us so we could go to the meeting together, then Saturday afternoon for our date, and then even made us a delicious dinner Saturday evening... she is such a servant and a blessing to us.  some nice relaxing and fun family time Sunday afternoon for frozen yogurt and a playground.  our zoo pass, and getting to go to the zoo weekly with my kiddo. our health... although I've been under the weather this week, overall we are a very healthy family, and for that I am grateful!

reading:  Psalms, Ezekiel, Job, Spiritual Warfare by Derek Prince

cooking:  pizza, Thai lettuce wraps, banana bread with chocolate chips, huevos rancheros, french toast casserole or baked oatmeal, sesame noodles

doing:  well... I had a bunch of fun coffee dates, play dates, dinners, and zoo trips planned for this week, but ended up cancelling every single one because I didn't leave the house from Tuesday on because I was feeling sick.


His word, and the importance of being in it constantly, allowing it to soak into my heart and guard it with truth, and then using it as the sword of the Spirit against the enemy... and what it looks like to not just know the Word and keep the sword on my back, but to really use it to slice into and defeat the enemy.

Romans 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

"It's irrelevant what Hell is doing to you, the only thing that's relevant is what God is doing to you." -David Hogan 

Continuing to ponder what it looks like to use all my words for the good and encouragement of others (Eph 4:29)... no gossip, no negativity, no complaining, but constantly discussing God, what He is doing, and dwelling on His truth.  Not wasting my words on details, circumstances, events, etc. that glorify or are the work of the evil one.

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