Tuesday, March 19, 2013

::this week::

praising:  continued ministry opportunities for J, and provision to make them possible.  God's grace... faithfulness... goodness... that He is alive!!!!

praying:  for complete healing for someone with cancer that Jeremy is going to Houston to pray for today.  for protection for our family after some spiritual attacks toward the end of last week.  for the needs and desires of others.

thankful for:  closure and unity on a recent conflict.  beautiful weather.  provision.  health.  grace.  a doctor for this pregnancy whom I LOVE.  sweet friends and family nearby.  my hubby, and our two kiddos.  stickers= instant quiet activity for my busy 2 year old.  nearby parks and playgrounds.

reading:  Psalms, Esther, Ezekiel, Spiritual Warfare by Derek Prince

cooking:  spinach mozzarella breakfast casserole, sausage cheddar breakfast casserole, Thai tilapia red curry, chocolate fondue with fruit, sesame noodles, pizza, black beans corn and rice casserole, some sort of baked oatmeal and/ or pancakes, white chicken chili with jalapeno cheese cornbread, salad with cilantro lime dressing.

doing:  several park/ play/ zoo dates with moms and kiddos.  ladies Bible study.  two dinners with sweet couples.  community group.  dinner at J's mom's while his dad is away.  meeting for the planning team for the women's ministry at our church.

pondering:  Psalm 51... David's repentance... what I need to repent of...

the book of Esther...
-the themes of fasting and feasting... do I fast and seek God when necessary, or do I try to handle things on my own, in my own efforts and strength, with my own wisdom.  do I feast to proclaim and celebrate God's goodness, deliverance, provision?
-Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and (A)deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”  1) God is bigger than us. If we do not obey His call it is not going to mess up His plan, we will just miss out on our opportunity to participate in the action. He is still going to accomplish His purpose, He will just use someone else and we will miss out on the opportunity that He had placed us in. 2) for what have I been/ am being placed "for such a time as this"?
-The choice we make to see God’s hand at work in our lives (and give Him praise), or merely see courses of events as coincidences (ex/ king had a sleepless night, chose to relieve his boredom by having the royal annals read to him, became aware of account of Mordecai’s deed, Haman came in at the moment that the king wanted to recognize Mordecai, this all happened the night before Esther’s 2nd banquet).  How has our Lord been at work in my life this week that I may not have noticed, but He deserves praise for?

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