Wednesday, June 27, 2012

::this week::

praying:  for guidance and provision for the next steps with our ministry.  for opportunities to love the people that I encounter in action and in truth, and that I would make the most of each opportunity.

praising:  for God's provision.... that we have not sent out a single support letter or asked anyone for money and yet the Lord has brought people to us that want to give to us monthly.  humbled that people believe in what God is and is going to do through us so much that they are willing to give to us financially!

reading:  Numbers, Psalms, Isaiah, The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind

contemplating:  finished reading Leviticus and have been meditating on Jesus as our sacrifice for sin, replacing all of the sacrifices and offerings required by the law.  thinking about Jesus our High Priest, who allows us direct access to God and eliminates the need for a mediator.  thinking about the sacrifies and blood that was required by the law. grateful that Jesus has fulfilled that.  thinking about the feasts in this book and the Bread that sustains us.  deeply grateful for the salvation and freedom found in Jesus!

cooking:  not much, we are still finishing up the leftovers from our beach trip... pizza, banana bread, spinach pesto pasta, spinach and ricotta pasta

creating:  patchwork dish towels, a baby shower banner, a sign for our bedroom, a pillow cover for our living room

doing:  it is a much needed, very quiet week with not many plans on the books for us.  I am looking forward to a pickle making class with the ladies from our community group and a ladies blueberry picking trip this weekend with a bunch of amazing ladies and all the blueberries we could want!

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