Wednesday, June 27, 2012

20 months

Here is what is going on with Noah this month according to;

At 20 months, your child will probably be able to run, though not expertly. He may also go up stairs by himself, but he'll most likely need some help on the way down. He can probably kick a ball, too. Most toddlers at 20 months haven't yet got the hang of jumping or throwing a ball overarm.

When you or another important adult leaves, it can be unsettling for your child, who relies on your presence to feel secure. Ease transitions by letting him know beforehand that you're going to leave and that you will be back "after lunch," "before tea," or whatever, and then don't drag out your exit. Give him a quick kiss and be off.

Small children frequently resort to hitting, pushing, biting, tugging, or any variety of other frowned-upon actions, sometimes to make themselves feel more important, but also to experiment: What happens when I hit Katy? Will the same thing happen when I hit Jamie? Don't overreact to your toddler's behaviour. If you retaliate by hitting, it teaches that hitting is acceptable. Calmly make clear that such actions are never acceptable -- no matter how intense his feelings.

You've been warned about the "terrible twos," but you may be unprepared for this rite of passage if your child has been cooperative up until now. The stage doesn't always begin exactly on your child's second birthday. Development experts say it can strike as early as 18 months and as late as 30 months (though some angelic children never go through this phase). How do you know if you're in the midst of the TTs? Look for new signs of assertiveness from your toddler. Hallmark behaviors to watch for: He may insist on doing exactly what you've told him not to do or throw himself down on the floor in a fit of temper if he doesn't get his way. His demands may alternately frustrate and amuse you. At times, for example, he'll likely ask for something that he doesn't even want, just to see if he has enough power to get it.  Though you may be tempted to cry and throw yourself on the floor, too, the best thing to do during a temper episode is keep your cool, stay close to your child, and let him release his feelings. A hug and a shoulder to cry on may be all that some toddlers need to feel better, while others may benefit from the distraction technique — offer him another activity or toy.  If you're in a public place or at someone's house, pick up your child and take him someplace where the two of you can sit calmly until the feelings subside. Save the time-outs until he's old enough to understand and follow rules, sometime between ages 2 and 3.

Does your toddler love to try on your shoes? Does he attempt to put on your coat, hat, or eyeglasses? By stepping, literally, into your shoes, he's showing you — and himself — that he's aware he's growing bigger and that he wants to be like you. You may also notice him pretend playing with stuffed animals and dolls. He'll take over the "parenting" role by feeding his stuffed monkey a "banana" (which is actually a yellow wooden block) or by tucking the animal under a blanket and singing it a lullaby. He may kiss the monkey's boo-boo and want to put a bandage on it. Pretend play like this is a great example of imitation, and a sign that your child is learning to empathize with others.

Many 20-month-olds are very affectionate. Yours probably likes to sit on your lap and cuddle because he knows it's a time when he has your undivided attention — something he loves. He continues to want to help you with household chores, everything from folding laundry and unpacking groceries to sweeping the kitchen floor. Of course he really wants to do these "grown-up" things without your help, even though odds are he can't yet. It may slow you down a little, but it's worth the time to find safe ways to let him assist you.

Noah is doing great!  He continues to learn to form sentences.  His most used phrases are "I wanna go that way", "I find the ....", and "It's very broken" (usually after he has broken or ripped something).

He loves playing with other kids and our adult friends.  He often asks for his favorite people by name.

Several times a day he asks me to dance, which means he wants me to put on music so he can bounce up and down.

He's grown quite fond of a dinosaur tail that he received as a Christmas gift.  We strap it on him and he runs around the house all day wearing his dinosaur tail.

He loves attention, and loves to show off and perform in order to be the center of attention.  His favorite tricks are "upside down" (where he does a sort of downward dog yoga pose), "back up" (where he walks backwards across the room), "spin" (spinning in circles, sometimes until he gets dizzy and falls over), and "strong man" (where he strains and flexes his muscles so hard that his arms shake). 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! He has gotten so big. You both are doing a wonderful job, of raising a joyful, God filled little man. I so miss my Saturdays hanging out with Noah and Jeremy..
    Praying for god to continue to amaze you.
