Monday, August 11, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

From time to time I like to post these daybook entries inspired by this site. Here's one more for my collection.

FOR TODAY August 11, 2008...

Outside My Window... A parking lot. Sunshine.

I am thinking... What do I need to pack for Ohio? Our condo is cluttered, what can I get rid of? I’ve got one bag of clothes and shoes ready to donate, what can I add to it?

I am thankful for... Jeremy’s deal closing. Being out of debt. Having a little spending money to buy a few things. Time with mom last night and her treating Jeremy and I to some yummy Ethiopian food. Much needed vacation this week and the chance to spend time with the Mangerchine family. Lunch breaks.

From the kitchen... Turkey burgers on whole wheat buns with all the fixings, carrots and ranch dressing.

I am wearing...
Work clothes… brown sandals, tan slacks, pale pink polo shirt layered under a rose colored cable knit short sleeve sweater. I can’t wait to change into something more comfy though.

I am creating... Order. This weekend I used my creative time to clean out my car, make a dent in our junk room, and designate some clothes for donation. This is a project that is much bigger than one weekend as I journey to remove the clutter and unnecessary items from our home.

I am going... No where tonight. A night at home to exercise, eat, read, do laundry and enjoy my hubby. Making preparations for our trip on Thursday.

I am reading... Obadiah, Jonah and Micah for church and A New Kind of Christian for recreation.

I am hoping... For safe travel to Ohio, meaningful time with family, some good finds at the enormous used bookstore in Columbus and time in general to slow down, relax, relate and enjoy the people I’m with.

I am hearing...
Nothing. (I’ve been doing this a lot more lately, just sitting in silence. I’ve stopped listening to anything on my way to work and I use the quiet time to reflect, prepare, pray and listen. I don’t know how long this silent season will last, but I am enjoying it and the encouragement that it gives me to slow down and relax.)

Around the house...
Laundry to be put away or packed, snacks for the car ride to Ohio, and dry cleaning to be dropped off.

One of my favorite things... This season of transformation… Over the past several years I continue to see myself shed off layers of who I was before (in bondage) as an inner me begins to shine through. In this season I can see former desires for newer homes, furniture, matching decorations, dishes etc. all start to drift away as I lean towards appreciating the character of things that are worn, imperfect, that are mismatched and hodge podged. I see value in items that bring back old memories, or that belonged to loved ones. I see the warmth these things add to an environment. And it helps that I’m frugal and love to save money and that owning or purchasing older items does that. I have a growing appreciation for simple things and simple living. I see the Lord beginning to change so much about the way that I relate to others and encourage them. Basically this is a season of MAJOR transformation. As I’ve undergone several of these in the past few years, each is unique in it’s own ways. I’m particularly enjoying this one, and having a husband who is my best friend, partner and teammate to discuss my thoughts and feelings with each step of the way.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Laundry, pack, lots of driving and RELAX and ENJOY.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This was too funny not to share. On Sunday I decided to re-polish my chipping and rugged looking toe nails. I couldn’t find my foam toe separators and improvised with everything within my reach. I didn't feel like looking for my nail scissors and grabbed the large household orange handled scissors to lob some of the length off of my witch length nails. Jeremy got a kick out of it and decided to have a photo shoot while I was incapacitated.

I hope that gave you a good laugh for the day!



  1. haha!! ..definitely!!'re fantastic!! ..totally enjoyed our 4 mile 'walk'!! :)
    (yes, i'm feeling it!!)
    -mostly when i stand and try to walk after sitting for a while.. :)

    anyway, have a GREAT trip!!! ...i'll look forward to hearing all about it!! <3

  2. Have a great trip!! Your photos cracked me up and I love all your thoughts on transformation...good stuff!

  3. Absolutely with you it agree. In it something is also idea good, agree with you.

  4. I think, that you are not right. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
