Thursday, August 7, 2008

If You Came to My House

I just saw this post on Aimee's blog and decided to join in the fun once again.

If You Came to My House....

(we're the upper left unit)

You Would See:

A 950 square foot condo that is bursting at the seams and crammed full with stuff… Weights and an exercise bike in the middle of our living room/ dining room combo and the dining table pushed into the corner (we move the bike into our “junk” room when we have company over so that we can bring the table out and eat at it). A cozy, u shaped mocha colored microfiber couch with a couple of throw blankets sprawled out on it, just calling your name to sit and stretch out. Bookshelves packed full of books. A kitchen counter with a few too many appliances on it… george forman grill, coffee maker, rice cooker, blender (and those are just the ones we’ve used this week, not to mention the extras in the closet). Tooth picks scattered in random places after Jeremy has discarded them for the day. Dishes on the counter needing to be loaded into the dish washer. The dish washer ajar and airing out from the smell of burnt plastic from a spoon that fell off the rack and melted in it this weekend. A junk room bursting at the seams with stuff, from crafting supplies, to guitar accessories, to clothes and an oversized desk. (our winter project is to purge as much junk as possible and de-clutter)

We Would Probably Feed You:

On a weekday, nothing extravagant… definitely turkey burgers. Either chopped up and put in a salad, or mixed in like a burrito bowl with rice, beans, salsa and sour cream. Our week night meals are all about simplicity in time, ingredients that we already have around the house, and being light and healthy. On weekends I do the more elaborate cooking.

We Would Undoubtedly Ask You If You Have Read:

The Shack by William Young. I read it about a month ago and Jeremy is just finishing it right now. There are numerous points of view on the book; it has been labeled as controversial by some, but seems to be the “hot” thing right now in some Christian circles. A lot of people we know have read it, or are reading it currently. I gleaned several delightful tidbits from the book and love hearing what others got out of it and what their outlook on it has been.

We Would Play This Music For You:

Hillsong. We absolutely love Hillsong and it’s one of the few bands that we agree upon. Their music is a worshipful masterpiece!!!!

We Would Want To Tell You The Latest About:

Jeremy’s deal just closing about a week ago, our nephew just born last week and our upcoming trip to Ohio to see family.

We Would Probably Suggest A Game Of:

Phase 10. Ever since we played this in New Orleans in March with the Mangerchines we’ve been hooked. Every time that we have people over we try to lure them into a 4 four Phase 10 event.

We Might Show Off:

Our wedding album that I made on that has captions, our vows and Scripture that was used in the ceremony. Photos from any of the trips that we’ve taken this year… New Orleans, Matthews, or The Coblentz wedding.

We Might Get On The Computer And Show You:

We have dial-up, we wouldn’t put guests through the frustration of enduring that with us.

If It Was A Long Enough Visit, We Might Watch:

In the fall football, when Top Chef is on that, right now we’re pretty disenchanted with the shows on TV though and mostly read.

What Would A Visit To Our House Be Like?

Warm and inviting (hopefully). Filled with laughter, conversation, coffee, and food. We try to make our home a place that others can feel comfortable, where they can come over in sweats if they want, put their feet up on the coffee table, look through our fridge and grab anything that they desire. We want our guests to come and feel at home, we want them to leave feeling refreshed and loved.

What would a visit to your house be like?


1 comment:

  1. how cool is this idea! i'm going to steal it and use it too! i miss you shannon! email me your phone number please:)
