Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Ohio Trip

We made it back from Ohio in one piece. Our nephew, Blake, is precious! We had a great time with family and enjoying the Columbus character, amenities and weather. Now we have a short work week this week and then off on vacation again to stay at a friends condo in Pawley's Island for 4 days to celebrate our 1 year anniversary! Woohoo!!!

Some of the highlights from our Columbus trip included enjoying the brisk (well compared to Myrtle Beach anyway) Columbus air, time spent talking hanging out and praying with family, trips to a local rummage sale used bookstore and consignment shop where we scored many great finds, a trip to Bryan and Meegan's church that we love, a walk around some cute Victorian neighborhoods and part of Ohio State's campus, a lunch date for me and J at Mongolian Barbeque (my first time, it was delicious!!!!), lots of great food- mom's banana bread, butter beans and corn, Meegan's grandma's 3 layer bars, Meegan's mom's brownies and Bryan's award winning "Slow Ride (Take it Easy) Chili", and games of Yahtzee and Phase 10. The trip was a blast, including the long car ride each way where Jeremy and I got to talk and listen to a books on CD. Here's some of our pics from the trip...

The baby that brought us all to Ohio for this trip, Blake Michael Mangerchine, born August 1, 2008

The glowing mother Meegan

Uncle Jeremy holding his new nephew

Dad serenading us

Family picture. Front row: Mom, Lisa (Jeremy's sister), Dad, and Ellie the Visla/ dog. Back row: Me and Jeremy on left, Bryan, Blake and Meegan on right.

Another to add to my collection of Dad sleeping. :)

Blake apparently likes to suck noses, here he's enjoying Jeremy's. No breast milk in there Blake.

Ellie napping

Bryan napping on the couch while Meegan and Blake pose for the picture. In this one post alone I've managed to include pictures of 3 Mangerchine men napping... Jeremy, you're my next victim, I know where you sleep!

The happy parents

Me and Jeremy enjoying the swing

My poker face during Phase 10... I actually won that game, so you can just call me champion until we meet again and have a re-match!

Thanks Bryan and Meegan for your hospitality during our visit, for opening up your home to us so graciously in the chaos of having a new baby and allowing us to share in the joy with you. Thanks mom, dad and Lisa for all of the time we had together in Ohio and everything that you do for us! It was great to be together, celebrate the gift of Blake that God has given us, and come together as a family to pray over him. We love you all, will be praying for you, and look forward to see you all again!


1 comment:

  1. i'm so glad you had such a great trip!! ..hope this weekend is excellent as well!! (thanks for your encouraging words as usual!) ..i'll miss you for another weekend, but look forward to catching up even more!! :)
    Happy Anniversary!! <3
