Wednesday, May 16, 2012

::this week::

cooking: Thai Red Curry, pumpkin cream cheese bars, French lemon yogurt cake, pizza, sundried tomato pesto pasta

reading: Genesis, Practicing His Presence

praising: beginning to see doors open up for a certain dream and desire that we have been praying about for a month.  God is so good, so faithful, so perfect, and so mighty... seriously humbled by and in awe of His majesty this week.

praying: for the Lord to make our path straight regarding that dream... for wisdom, guidance, for every step that we take to be in faith, inspired by Him.

contemplating: Joseph in Genesis 39... the favor of God was upon him, and God gave him success everywhere that he went, yet when Potiphar's wife repeatedly tried to seduce Him Joseph ended up being in jail for something he was innocent of and God did not protect Joseph from these circumstances, yet continued to use them for His good.  If I, or someone that I knew, were put into jail for something we were innocent of I think my instinct would be to think that God had removed His favor.  I think I would be discouraged (that is an understatement).  I am so impressed at how, despite His circumstances, Joseph was still able to seek to honor God, to still serve God.  That takes incredible faith, character, and trust.

enjoying: these 3 kiddos, they are so much fun!  Luke moves in a week and a half and we are savoring every last second with him.  we've been having dance parties, races, and lots of laughter.  these 3 all play so well with each other and enjoy each other, I love watching it.

thankful for:  kiddos.  to get to hang with them.  family.  a great visit with my mom.  our fun neighborhood.  beautiful weather.  playgrounds and parks.  walks.  the gym.  friends.  our church body.  this city.  music.  yummy food. 

creating:  some games and decorations for a baby shower in July.  some father's day cards with Noah.

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