Friday, April 27, 2012

::this week::

praying:  For our friends traveling back from Mumbai.  For Mumbai.  For New Orleans.  For our family and friends.  For my heart to honor the Lord in all of my relationships.

praising:  For a vision that God gave a friend that confirms something that Jeremy and I have been praying about for a week or two.  For a vision that God gave Jeremy a few weeks ago that came true this week.  For the amazing things that God did through our friends during their time in Mumbai.  For some sweet fellowship with my Lord this week.

cooking:  tuna casserole, pizza, some type of waffle or baked oatmeal, and more...

meditating on:  God our creator.  How creative He is.  How wonderful, unique, and beautiful His creations of nature and people are.  That we were made in His image.  To have fellowship with Him and exercise dominion over the earth.

creating:  some mending for Jeremy and a friend.  applying new velcro to all of Noah's diapers... not exactly a creative task, but how I can best use my creative/ sewing time to provide for my family and bless a friend.

feeling:  better. still snotty and coughy, but fully functional as long as we bring tissues with us.

enjoying: I've had less kiddos around this week (only had Hayden 3 days, and didn't have Luke).  I've been enjoying the extra one on one time with Noah, and some extra outings with friends including Audubon Park and the zoo.  It has been a relaxed week with a slower pace and we don't have any plans for the weekend yet, so I'm excited to enjoy some time just relaxing as a family.


Jesus Culture, How He Loves

Jesus Culture, I Need You More

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