Sunday, June 7, 2009

cayenne chicken (and tofu) with avacado salsa

i had posted about this recipe before that i had been dying to try. this weekend i finally made it, and yummo!!!!! i made the cayenne chicken with avacado salsa for jeremy, and i made cayenne tofu with avacado salsa for me. we both thought that our dinners turned out very well, and want to add this to our regular rotation. jeremy even tried a bite of my tofu cooked this way, and for the first time, he didn't hate tofu!

(i used 2 avacados instead of the 1 the recipe called for, and i also doubled the spice mixture for 3 pieces of tofu and 1 piece of chicken. my avacado salsa turned out like guacamole, but it tasted delicious! next time i might add chopped tomatoes to the salsa as well)

since i only used half of the block of tofu for the cayenne tofu, i still had half left for lunch yesterday. i mashed it up with a fork, added salt, pepper, mustard, mayo, cayenne, and jeremy's grandma's homemade pickles (chopped up). this made a delicious sandwich, and i still have half left for lunch today.


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