Thursday, December 31, 2015


(special thanks to Elizabeth Lafargue photography for this pic)

I love this picture so much. It seemed very fitting to illustrate us going into the new year. Jeremy and I each have a lot of individual projects and groups that we are a part of, but above all of that we are a team in everything. We work together in everything and consult each other on everything. Looking forward into 2016 I couldn't think of a better picture to show that sometimes we work on different things, or look in different directions, but we always step forward united and together in each endeavor.

We have a lot of exciting things that we are working on for 2016. Some of the highlights are;
1.  launching our online meal planning business
2.  co-writing a marriage book and another individual book project for Jeremy
3.  continuing with all of the ministries and groups that we are already doing or a part of including;    ladies book club, our weekly community group, Jeremy's men's breakfast, MOPs (Mother's of Preschoolers), homeless outreach with Kingdom Project, hosting a local New Orleans livestream of the IF women's conference in February
4.  Jeremy already has some travel plans for speaking opportunities and will continue to accept invitations to travel and share the message God has given Him

A big theme for Jeremy this year is influence. God told him that this year is the year of influencers and we are expecting to see this play out in many facets this year.

My focus and word for this year is nourish. defines nourish as;
1. to sustain with food or nutriment; supply with what is necessary for life, health, and growth.
2. to cherish, foster, keep alive, etc.:
3. to strengthen, build up, or promote:

This year I will be focusing on nourishing myself (emotionally, physically and spiritually) and nourishing others (emotionally, spiritually and physically).

I want to nourish myself by carving out the alone time, one on one God time, active time, outdoors time, creative time and margin that I crave and need. I want to be intentional about the relationships that I have and surround myself with people who bring out the best in me. I want to Brene Brown (her name is a verb to me now) my emotions and reckon with them and tell myself and others the truth about what I am feeling... not letting bitterness and frustrations build up.

I want to nourish others using the gifts/ interests/ talents that God has given me by celebrating, gathering, feeding, serving, encouraging and praying for them. I want to be fully present in my interactions, actively engaged and listening, enjoying the people around me.

Here are some questions that I have been processing in looking forward to the New Year;

  1. What are my goals this year?
  2. What are my goals for the next 5/10 years and how can I begin to position and prepare myself for these?
  3. Based on what did/ didn't work in 2015, what changes do I need to make this year?
  4. What am I looking forward to in 2016?
  5. What are some areas I would like to grow in this year?
  6. What is a word/ theme that I would like to focus on this year?

Happy 2016, friends! May this be your best year yet!

Romans 15:13 I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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