Thursday, July 3, 2014


I made this Minestrone from the book An Everlasting Meal.  I love this recipe (and this book) because it's not so much precise instructions for how to cook Minestrone, but is more of a method, encouraging to use up whatever you have lying around your house and whatever is in season when you are preparing the dish.  The few changes that I made were to reduce the olive oil to around 1/4 c, eliminated the meat (because I didn't have any on hand, used basil and parsley for the herbs, and carrots, onion, celery, spinach, tomatoes and zucchini for the veggies.  I also used whole wheat elbows for the pasta of my choosing, and chickpeas and red kidney beans for the beans of my choosing.  I really liked this soup, definitely my favorite Minestrone I've ever eaten, and liked it best topped simply with plain parsley.  I'm looking forward to trying out lots of other variations based on the veggies that I have around at the time.

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