Saturday, May 24, 2014

1 year

To my sweet Elisha,

Your daddy, brother and I love you so much!

We have so many nicknames for you; Eli, Eli-ka-loo, Echo-loo, Eli-kazam, Eli Eli O, and my snuggle bear.

You are such a sweet boy.  You have a tender, sensitive heart.

You are so happy.  You can light up a room with your smile.  Your joy and excitement is contagious to our whole family.

You have a bit of a stubborn side... never seeming to give up... a great trait of determination in an adult, but a little more difficult to manage in a child.  You also have a bit of a temper and throw yourself on the ground in a tantrum when you don't get your way.

You have 4 teeth (2 top, 2 bottom), with 2 more on the way.  You take 2 naps a day and sleep from about 8 pm- 5 am each night.  You have been walking since 10 months and are very stable and skilled at it now.

You love to be outside, to eat and to play with balls.  You love watching your brother play and be silly, egging on his shenanigans with your amusement.  You enjoy wrestling with daddy and are physically tough.  You are a tank and can take a fall or injury without being phased.  You constantly drag all of my tupperware out of the cabinet and open the fridge grabbing small yogurts and running away.

Your favorite foods are applesauce, yogurt and muffins.  You eat pretty much everything except meat and eggs.  You still nurse twice a day, but will be weaned soon.

I love that when your daddy comes home from work you walk into the room grinning exuding with excitement to see him.  You help us all to appreciate each other and celebrate the small things.

I've been a different mom with you than I was with Noah... more confident, calm, laid back, relaxed and comfortable.  Being a second child with a very attention seeking older brother you'll don't often know what it's like to have my undivided attention, but you get a whole lot of extra love and attention from your brother, who is your biggest fan and best friend.

You were named Elisha Samuel after 2 prophets, and I do not take that lightly.  Multiple people have commented about the wisdom they see when they look into your eyes.  A deep sense of wisdom and knowledge.

God has a plan for you.  A calling on your life that is deep, profound and meaningful.

I'm so honored to be your mom.  So excited to watch you grow up.  To walk through life with you.  To shepherd you along the way.  To watch as you figure out who you are and why you were created.  To see you step into your destiny.

You make me a better person.  Help me to slow down, enjoy life, savor each moment and be present.  Thank you for that.  Thank you for each smile, snuggle, and laugh.

Happy Birthday, son!

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