Monday, October 29, 2012

Ministry Announcement

Our ministry announcement letters and emails have finally been sent.  I figured that I would post it here also for anyone that I missed with US mail or email...

Wow! I honestly never thought I would be the guy sending out ministry letters. In fact, I adamantly swore that I would not be "that guy". Well, God apparently was laughing at me the whole time, because apparently, He had other plans.

In the last year God has invaded the Mangerchine home and completely taken control. Our hearts and lives will never be the same. During this time, the Lord has grown both Shannon and I in significant ways and has revealed Himself to us in an undeniable way. After seeing a number of people touched by God in many ways such as; miraculous healing, deliverance, and people giving their lives to Jesus, we have made the decision to answer the clear call and begin a life of full-time ministry.

There are so many testimonies of God’s goodness, love, and power. Recently, Shannon ended up in the home of a family a block from our house, whose son was just shot in the face in broad day light and killed. She boldly ministered to several women of the family who were grieving. Or somehow, through several unexplainable circumstances, I ended up in the house of a family that I have never met. After we prayed for a young lady who could not walk for over a month due to crippling pain from complications of back surgery years ago, she wept with joy and praised the name of Jesus because she was able to walk me to the door with no pain as I left. We jokingly refer to these sorts of events as “the new normal”, considering the fact that they occur on a regular basis.

We live in the heart of New Orleans, which is the murder capital of the US. It is a broken, violent, and deprived city that most have written off and have given up on it. But we love it and feel that we are exactly where God wants us. While there are a lot of needs in the city which we will be tending to, our primary focus will be spending time loving the unloved, broken, sick, fatherless, widowed, etc.

With the confirmation, blessing, and encouragement of the counsel over our lives and our local church, I have resigned from my job - effective 1/1/2013. We are in the process of establishing a ministry called Bastion Ministries, which in time will be a team of mighty men and women, however, God has shown us that some of these people currently do not know Him and may even be drug dealers. It is our desire to speak the hope of Jesus to the hopeless and call them into a life of fullness in Christ where they will discover their true identity as sons and daughters of the most high God.

We will be supported fully by individuals and organizations who feel led to partner with us. So, if you feel so led, please contact us and we will give you information on how you can give.

We also want to know how we can be praying for you and your families. What are your needs and desires? As I jokingly say, but totally mean – you want to be on Shannon’s prayer list, because when she prays, things move!


Jeremy & Shannon Mangerchine

PO Box 79172
New Orleans, LA 70179

We will be sending out updates and newsletters via email and US mail, if you would like to be added to our mailing list, please contact us at the PO Box listed above, or by clicking "email me" from my profile.

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