Saturday, September 1, 2012

::this week::

this was one weird week!  we got back home from a night away to celebrate our anniversary.  (our anniversary weekend was wonderful!  best ever.  glad to have some quality time alone with my love.)  we returned home to hear that a hurricane would be hitting New Orleans in a few days.  and Jeremy returned home with a stomach bug that made him throw up, and feel sick for a little over 24 hours.  so we packed up our stuff (and our kid who was already a little out of his routine and comfort zone from us being away for a day) (and my sick husband) and we drove to Alabmama.  we stayed in a timeshare there with Jeremy's parents for a few days, during which time both Jeremy's mom and sister caught the same throw up stomach bug that Jeremy had.  then we packed up again, this time me feeling icky from previously mentioned stomach bug, and drove back to NOLA.  our home is still without power, so after throwing away a few water logged items around the house and cleaning out my fridge full of spoiled food, we headed to J's parents house, which did have power.  and here we are... still. 

we have definitely been out of our routine, and the environment in which we all thrive.  but it has been good.  I really enjoyed the time away.  my schedule recently had been getting a little busy for my taste, leaving me distracted and slightly exhausted.  it was really nice to have some time away to refresh, to be free from distractions and hang out with Jesus.  it was really nice to have some extra family time and enjoy each other.  it was nice to be out in the country, enjoying nature and creation, and meditating on how Christ is knit through that, displaying His character and nature to the world (Romans 1:20).  it was good, definitely a way that God used this storm for the good in my life (Romans 8:28), and for all of that, I am grateful... evacuations, spoiled food, stomach bugs, and all.

praying:  for the families in our area that experienced loss, damage, and devastation as a result of hurricane Isaac.  that my Lord would be glorified through these circumstances.  that the church would respond and love and care for those in need, and that as a result lives would be changed and He would be praised!

praising:  that us, our friends, and family are safe, and suffered very minimal damage. 

thankful for:  safety. for a unexpected vacation.  for lots of time with family.  for modern luxuries that I often take for granted.  for my God, who is faithful, loving, unchanging, and good.

reading:  Psalms, Joshua, Dreaming with God

cooking:  fajitas and concoctions using any unspoiled food that we had with us in Alabama... the available groceries here now do not include meat, eggs, or produce, so my cooking and eating will be very limited until power comes back on and conditions improve.

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