Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Peanut Butter Banana Bread

I made this Cooking Light peanut butter banana bread.  It was AMAZING, more delicious, yet more healthy than my go to recipe!  I also love the fact that it is only for one loaf, so I don't end up with excessive amounts of treats around.  I left out the chopped peanuts, substituted an extra egg for the ground flax, used 3 defrosted ripe bananas that I had frozen when they got too ripe, used skim milk for the glaze, and substituted 1/2 c of whole wheat flour for an equal amount of all-purpose flour.  I think it would be great with chocolate chips also, but the glazes gives such a great sweetness and richness that I think they might almost be overkill if you did add them.

1 comment:

  1. Ooooh this one has me wanting to eat some right NOW! I love when you share how you make it healthier... I'm not a good enough cook to know what can be subbed, so you do the hard work for me :)
