Friday, January 20, 2012

{love these two}

after a month of not watching Luke, today was my first day keeping him again, and now we'll be doing once a week through May.  Noah and I missed Luke SO much!  these two boys are so good for each other!  for the most part, Noah doesn't play much with other kids, and kinda does his own thing and watches others.  but with Luke, Noah spends the entire day playing directly with him.  I love watching them play, and laugh, and be silly... even if it does wreck every.single. room of my house!

today I'm so blessed by getting to watch these two enjoy each other.  I pray for them every day.  that they both will come to know the Lord at a young age, and serve Him all of their days, making disciples of the nations for His glory.  I'm thankful for and humbled by the role that I get to play in shepherding them along the way. 

Thank you Jesus!  Use me to lavish these two with your love, with your Truth.  Use me to teach them to seek Your presence.  Protect them Jesus, draw them to Yourself..

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