Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 goals

I'm not much of a resolution person, probably because I've never made one that I've kept.  So instead of making a resolution, I thought I'd set some goals for 2012, and share them so that friends can encourage me and hold me accountable.  Here they are, in no particular order...

  • talk less, listen more... REALLY listen... not the kind of listening where I'm planning in my head what I'm going to say next, but completely present in the moment listening (this is not a strong suit for me, especially when my busy little boy is running around me, but I really want to get better at this!).
  • try new things... I'm such a creature of habit and routine.  I do the same activities week in and week out, eat the same foods, go to the same places, and so on.  I want to try foods that I've never had, visit new places, and be more open to being spontaneous.
  • take more pictures.  I tend not to lug around our fancy Nikon much, and therefore don't document as many fun memories as I'd like to.  I acquired a small, inexpensive hand me down camera that I can keep in my purse, and want to get better at documenting my life, and creating a photo journal here to look back upon.
  • pray more. pray without ceasing. be in constant communication with my Heavenly Father.  making all tasks/ activities an act of worship.  constantly giving thanks, and constantly walking in the Spirit.
  • take a family vacay... just me, Jeremy, and Noah.  even if it's only 1 night.  even if we just stay in the French Quarter.
  • conquer my tendency to gossip.  use my words to encourage others and spur them on, rather than leaving idle (or worse) words.
  • reduce my inbox.  remove myself from email lists rather than just hitting delete.
  • catalog and backup all of our family pictures and videos that are stored on our computer.
  • become more like Christ and grow in my ability to love others in action and in truth.
Did you make any New Year's Resolutions?

Happy New Year!!!!!

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