Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sweet Potato Pancakes

Sweet Potato Pancakes

These were good, not my favorite pancakes ever, but solidly good.  I will confess, that that is probably my fault for being lazy.  Out of laziness I mashed the sweet potatoes by hand, rather than with an electric mixer.  This resulted in some sweet potato chunks in the finished pancakes.  I would have much preferred a more smooth puree, mixed throughout the pancake.  So learn from my mistakes, don't take short cuts, and fully puree your sweet potato.  Serve with maple syrup and chopped pecans.

-1 large sweet potato, cooked until tender and mashed
-1 c whole wheat flour
-1 c all-purpose flour
-2 tsp baking powder
-1 tsp cinnamon
-1/4 tsp nutmeg
-1/4 tsp salt
-1/4 c brown sugar
-1 tsp vanilla
-2 eggs
-2 1/4 c fat-free milk

In medium bowl, whisk together flours, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.  Stir in remaining ingredients.  Pour by 1/4 c increments into a greased skillet, over medium heat.  Once bubbles form, flip and cook an additional 3-4 minutes.

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