Wednesday, May 11, 2011

28 weeks

 Here is what is going on with Noah this week according to;

Your baby now actively engages in hiding games. Place one of his favorite toys on the floor and cover it with a napkin. Pull the napkin off and say, "There it is!" Cover it again and repeat. For more fun, hide an object under something and wait for him to discover it. It's one of the easiest ways to keep your baby occupied! Your baby can remember that the jack-in-the-box pops up at the end of the song — yet he'll still laugh every time. He's also able to recognize different tones and inflections and may burst into tears if you speak harshly.

Because he likes predictability, your baby enjoys playing the same game or reading the same book over and over. In addition to patty-cake, try adding classics such as "If You're Happy and You Know It" and "This Little Piggy" to your repertoire.

Your baby may have already started feeding himself finger foods, although this can begin as late as 10 months. Once he reaches this stage, you can introduce a sippy cup. Try giving him a cup with a spout and two handles. If your baby's getting frustrated that he can't get more liquid out of the sippy cup, remove the valve in the top of the cup. If your baby's having trouble figuring out how to suck through the spout, take the lid off the sippy cup and let him first drink straight from the cup (show him how to tip it back so the drink flows into his mouth). Switching your baby to a cup sooner rather than later might make it easier for him to give up the bottle. If you're breastfeeding, you can even bypass the bottle altogether and go straight to a cup.

Noah has become quite a little busy body.  He is constantly rolling, kneeling, dragging himself around, and trying to stand on his head.  He can lay on the floor or our bed for an hour twisting and turning himself about.  He LOVES it when I sing to him, even though my singing is awful.  Since he still screams at the sight of a bottle we have started trying to give him a sippy cup and seeing if he'll take that.  So far he seems to love the cup as a toy. but doesn't have much interest in trying to drink from it.  He loves to be around other kids and to play with them.  No new foods this week, in the process of unpacking we've just been sticking to basic banana or the carrot and sweet potato cubes that I pureed and froze.

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