Monday, November 29, 2010

Luke 11

Here are my notes from Luke 11;

v 1-4
  • A disciple is someone whose life is disciplined by another.  The disciples saw the example of Jesus and wanted to pattern their lives after Him.
  • The disciples who were Jewish should have known how to pray... they would have been accustomed to reciting liturgical prayers... so why did they ask Jesus how to pray?
  • Prayer isn't about frills or religious language etc., it's just a straightforward conversation with our Father in Heaven.  Prayer should be natural and have natural language, like you are talking to your best friend.
  • Why do we fold our hands and close our eyes when we pray?  This isn't found in the Bible... is this just religious ritual and custom?
  • By following Jesus' example we should pray for; to keep God's name Holy, for His Kingdom to come, for our daily needs, to seek right relatedness with God and others, for protection from temptation
  • the phrase "our father" here is familiar, it could be translated as dad, it implies relationship... this was different from the term for father that the Jews used, which generally referred to Father of Israel.
  • "hallowed by your name"... Biblically your name is who you were... it describes and defines you and your reputation... hallowed by your name means for His name to be kept holy.  God's reputation hangs on us, we are His body and we either desecrate and profane His name or exalt His name.  We are His walking talking billboards, we are His letter.  How am I representing God's name?
  • "daily bread" means our daily needs.  this relates back to when the Israelites had to depend on God daily for their manna.  It is easier for people in poverty to pray this authentically because they have to trust in God for their daily needs, but most of us Western Christians have no idea what it means to actually depend on God for our daily needs... our needs are already met, our wealth creates the illusion of self sufficiency.
  • "forgive others"... forgiveness is releasing the debt of others, it's not saying that what they did was okay.  the only one whom unforgiveness harms is the one who holds it.
  • "lead us not into temptation"... this does not mean do not tempt us, we know that God doesn't tempt us, but that it is by our own evil desire that we are tempted (James 1:13-15). tempting is someone testing you and wanting you to fail.  God tests us, but not to see us fail, but that we may develop perseverance (James 1:2-4).
v 5-13
  • in these verses Jesus is still answering the question of "teach us to pray".  in the first 4 verses he talks about things to pray for and here he addresses the attitude of prayer.
  • "ask and it will be given.  seek and you will find..."... pray boldly and specifically.  pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  we should make our day a long conversation with God, reacting to news/ stories/ events/ people in prayer... when we talk to God about something we are inviting Him into that situation, we should want Him in everything we do, experience, and encounter.  God created us for relationship with Himself, which requires constant communication with Him.
  • "if you who are evil know how to give good gifts..."... expect prayer to be answered, ask in faith (James 1:6)
  • we make prayer a religious activity and then compartmentalize it in time and function.  we need to make it a natural part of life, like "a child asking for an egg"
  • prayer is powerful and effective (James 5:16).
  • prayer can change the outcome (ex/ 2 Chronicles 7:14), (ex/ Exodus 17)
  • unanswered (or delayed) prayers don't necessarily mean that God said "no".  we have to take into account spiritual warfare and sin. (ex/ Daniel 10:12-14).
v 14-28
  • the demon was what was causing the man to be mute... not all illnesses/ afflictions in the New Testament were caused by demons, but some were which would mean that some are today.  our first step to fighting all illnesses/ affliction should be to engage in spiritual warfare.
  • the world is supposed to be God's "house" (v 17), but the world is currently being operated by Satan.
  • "strong man"= Satan, "his house"= creation, "stronger man"= Jesus
  • v 28 the woman makes an idol of Jesus, she doesn't worship Him in faith, but worships what He did
v 29-36
  • to a Jewish audience Jesus praised a pagan Queen and pagan nation for responding to what light had been given to them... this would have infuriated the hearers... Jesus isn't concerned with our heritage, but our heart.
  • repentance is to turn around and go in the opposite direction.  it does not have to be (and should not be confused with) an emotional experience.  repentance does have to involve change and surrender.  you can be sorry, but that's not the same as repenting (2 Corinthians 7:9).  repentance is an action, not an emotion.
v 37-54
  • Jesus spoke harshly to the religious leaders of His day, but spoke in mercy and kindness to sinners.
  • you can't adjust your behavior to get holy... behavior changes because you are holy... you can't change yourself... only God can change you


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