Saturday, September 25, 2010


I spent the morning yard saling with Jeremy's Mom and a friend of mine, and collected a few more fun baby items for Noah for $1 each.  Then I did a Target run to return a couple items and use the remaining gift cards that I received from my baby shower.  Then I did a huge Sam's Club trip to stock up on all kinds of food to have on hand for our first month of settling in and adjusting to parenthood.  Now that my due date is a month away I'm in the final nesting stages and trying to put the finishing touches on everything.  I have most of Noah's stuff washed and organized, and just have a little more straightening to do in the nursery, and I still need to sterilize my breast pump parts, and do the initial 4 washes on his cloth diapers.  Here's the nursery in its mostly settled, but still needs a little more organization state.  The animal theme started well before we knew that Noah was a boy, and well before we had the name Noah picked out.  I knew from the beginning that I wanted to go with gender neutral colors and theme so that I can reuse all of this stuff for all of our children.  I started finding fun animal stuff at yard sales, that seemed to perfectly fit my gender neutral desires, and therefore an animal theme was born.

I found this crib on craigslist for $40.  The two blankets thrown over the ended were crocheted by Jeremy's Mom, and a friend of mine.  The monkey mirror was one of my $1 yard sale finds from today.  The sheets and crib bumper were baby shower gifts.  I bought the material for the crib skirt at a yard sale for $1, and then Jeremy's Mom sewed this cute skirt up.  It does a good job of hiding all of the extra toys and baby stuff that I have hidden under the crib.

The animal pictures on the left were made by Jeremy's Mom (aka our decorater).  The glider was a yard sale find for $40.  Ignore the pile of stuff on the chair, that's what still needs to be organized.  The mirror leaning on the back wall is awaiting a trip to the garbage it just hasn't made it out there yet.  The quilt on the chair was made by Jeremy's Grandma, before we even knew that we were pregnant, it just happens to have the same colors that we ended up going with, and an animal theme also.  The shelf was one that Jeremy's parents weren't using so his Mom painted it for us with spare paint from her garage and her and Jeremy hung it.  The shelf is stacked with baskets full of toys... one of the baskets I got at a yard sale today for $0.50, the rest Jeremy's Mom had lying around and decorated them with colored wooden animal cutouts that she found from the Dollar Store.

The dresser/ changing table was Jeremy's sister's old furniture that Jeremy's Mom refinished with paint from their garage (because the initial color was fairly outdated).  The changing pad was bought from a yard sale for $3, the changing pad cover was a baby shower gift.  The baby monitor and lamp were yard sale finds.  The curtain is more of the crib skirt yard sale material that Jeremy's Mom sewed into a curtain.  And the N was found by Jeremy's Mom at Pier One on clearance... I think for $1. 

The house/ hut was Jeremy's sister's that his Mom re-painted for us.  She filled it with tiny little rubber animals that I think she found at yard sales.  The window is covered with another curtain made my Jeremy's Mom.

Hung from the ceiling is a fun zebra print globe that Jeremy's Mom found on clearance somewhere for $1 also.  We are so grateful for all of her help and great finds!  We have a fun, functional nursery for Noah that was set up with hardly any expense.


1 comment:

  1. Yay, thanks for the nursery tour! I love your crib bedding and I ADORE the dresser J's mom repainted for you. Oh and I love that little window above the door! So much character.

    Great job on the nursery!
