Tuesday, August 31, 2010

same kind of different as me

I've had this book for over a year and finally got around to picking it up.  It was a quick & easy read.  This book is a true story, but reads easily like a fiction book.  I found the first few Chapters a little slow to get into while the setting and characters were developed, but once I was into the plot it was an easy page turner.  I loved the writing style, consisting of one Chapter at a time from the view point of each of the authors/ main characters.  Same Kind of Different as Me is the true story of an ex-con homeless man, and a wealthy art dealer and how their lives came to cross, and eventually a friendship was built.  I enjoyed the honesty on behalf of each of the authors, especially regarding their initial opinions and misconceptions about each other, and about the Lord.  The book beautifully displays how God worked in each of their lives, using each other to draw them both into a deeper relationship with Himself. 



  1. Thanks for sharing! I've seen this book around but I guess I never knew what it was about. Sounds interesting!

  2. I actually got this for Christmas from my BFF (almost two years ago now) and I was loving it! Somehow I got distracted and put it down, but this makes me want to pick it back up and read the rest of the story! (Glad you shared!:)

  3. All i can say is a thank you to Dr OGUMEN for making me and my family a happy home, i have been married for 2 years without a child and i had 4 miscarriage within this time, i saw a post that says contact Dr OGUMEN for Infertility help, so i did, after he cast a pregnancy spell on me i get pregnant few weeks later after having sex with my partner as instructed by Dr OGUMEN, and i am 7 months pregnant now without any complications and i will share another post here after my delivering and i will also give out my personal info, watch out for my next post, so i decide to drop this here for any body going through infertility problem to contact Dr OGUMEN on ogumensolutioncenter@yahoo.com
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