Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spinach and Tortellini Soup

Today was supposed to be day 3 of my birthday celebration, a day for Jeremy and I to celebrate just the two of us.  Unfortunately my poor hubby ended up sick with a fever over 101 all day.  Our zoo trip and dinner date are now post-poned until next Saturday and today became a restful lazy day in bed with movies and some soul soothing soup.

Spinach and Tortellini Soup

This soup is super simple and hearty.  I didn't measure anything, and just threw everything together based on the amounts that I had.  You could also add a can or two of drained and rinsed white beans to this for extra protein.

-vegetable or chicken broth, I filled my soup pot half full with homemade broth that I defrosted from the freezer, I'm thinking it was roughly 6 cups or so
-about 20 oz frozen spinach, defrosted and squeezed
-2 (15 oz) cans diced tomatoes
-dash red pepper flakes
-1 Tbsp sugar
-2 tsp salt
-fresh ground pepper
-2 tsp Italian seasoning
-2 bags frozen cheese tortellini

Heat broth, tomatoes, red pepper flakes, sugar, salt, pepper and Italian seasoning in large pot, over medium high heat.  Stir in spinach and tortellini, continue to cook according to tortellini package instructions (5-7 minutes for what I used).  Serve sprinkled with parmesan cheese and with crusty bread for dipping.


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