Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas

Consider this a bloggy Christmas card for all of those out in blogland that I don't have addresses for.

This has been a crazy year to say the least. We've moved from Myrtle Beach to New Orleans, both started new jobs, found new church(es), and made new friends. The Lord has guided us each step of the way, amazing us with His providence and provision as our transition occurred unbelievably smoothly.

Since May we've been living in an old Victorian, typical New Orleans styled shot gun home in Uptown New Orleans. We've experienced some of the flavor of New Orleans, including parades, crawfish boils, and creole cooking. We've connected with family members that Jeremy has either never met, or hasn't seen since he was a small boy. We've fallen in love with absolutely everything (well almost everything... not the crime) about this city. We love the Mangerchine roots here, driving by the homes that Jeremy's family grew up in, the schools they attended, and the hot spots they hung out at. We love the spicy cooking, abundant seafood, and multitudes of restaurants to dine at. We love Audubon Park, and all the gigantic oak trees within it. We love the array of different style homes, the character they possess, and the diversity around us. We love the community of friends that we've found. We love that there's always something going on. We're even trying to root for the Saints and become fans as we submerse ourselves in the culture around us.

We are both working on the Northshore, about 50 minutes from where we live, and we enjoy our commute together in the car everyday. We are currently training to run the Mardis Gras Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon in February, as well as keeping up with regular weight lifting. Jeremy has his first tattoo over 3/4 of the way done, and we are loving everything about it. Shannon loves to cook, and we both love to eat, whether that be at home, or at our favorite ethnic restaurants. We're looking forward to getting to spend the whole week of Christmas with Jeremy's brother, his wife, and their son, who will be visiting from Ohio. We'll spend most of our time with them at Jeremy's parents house, enjoying games, food, puzzles, and talks.

This has been an awesome year for us, and we feel completely blessed! We are in the best shape of our lives, are the most financially "secure" that we've been, are close to family and a great community of friends, and are really enjoying all of the time that we get to spend together.

With love, we wish you and your family a Merry Christmas!

May your holiday be filled with the presence of the Lord, time with family, good food, laughter, joy, and peace. May Christ be in the center of your heart and life, and may you be used by Him, for His glory.

Love, the Mangerchines

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