Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pumpkin Pancakes

Today I made Pumpkin Pancakes for breakfast. They turned out great... like fluffy little pumpkin pies... yum! If serving with syrup make batter as listed, they aren't sweet at all without the syrup, so if serving without then add extra sugar to the batter.

Pumpkin Pancakes

-1 cup whole wheat flour
-1 teaspoon sugar
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 1/4 cup milk
-2 eggs
-2 Tablespoons apple sauce
-1/2 cup pumpkin

Combine dry ingredients in large bowl; whisk to mix well. In a separate bowl whisk together wet ingredients. Stir the wet mixture into the dry one. Drop batter into a greased skilled 1/4 cup at a time, once bubbles form flip pancakes.



  1. Oh, now that sounds scrumptious, Shannon. Did you invent this recipe yourself?

  2. I don't know if I could say that I invented this recipe, but I was inspired by another one, then changed several things (like I do with every recipe) and sort of made it my own. I used apple sauce instead of the oil called for in the original recipe, changed the flour to whole wheat, and added more milk (skim) to make the pancakes thinner.


  3. As I enjoy making pancakes and waffles in this home for my husband and myself, I will be looking forward to trying this recipe. It sounds very yummy!

    Question though: for the pumpkin part, did you just used canned pumpkin?

  4. Mrs. Lady Sofia,

    Yes, I just used canned pumpkin... make sure it's canned pumpkin... not the pumpkin pie mix... however if you wanted to make it easier you could eliminate the sugar and cinnamon and just use 1/2 cup pumpkin pie mix from a can... whatever you prefer. Enjoy!


  5. They look divine! Would you mind if I converted it to a gluten free recipe to add to the cookbook I am working on?

  6. Oh wow! These sound amazing! I will have to try this for sure. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Also, thank you so much for commenting on my featured interview on la dolce vita blog. I truly do appreciate it.

  7. whoa! those look AMAZING!! ...i'm copying the recipe now!!! :)

  8. haha, I know you posted these like 2 years ago, but I was looking for a simple recipe and I knew you'd have one! Making them as I type. Hope y'all are well!!!
