Saturday, October 17, 2009

Jeremy cooks

A friend that Jeremy works with made protein pancakes and brought them to work one day to share with my hubby. Jeremy was instantly excited about this because he loves pancakes, but eats very healthy and also eats tons of protein each day to feed his muscles after training. Jeremy excitedly tackled the recipe this morning, and the result was delicious.

He made my standard Whole Wheat Pancake recipe, but left out the blueberries and added 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder. He had to add some extra milk also to account for the extra dry ingredients. The result was a chocolate-y, dessert-y pancake that we ate both warm and cold and didn't even need syrup for... I believe my hubby is in love. And as an additional voucher for this recipe, our friend Rebecca is VERY picky and she tried a pancake and then went back for seconds.


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