Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 years ago today...

On this day, two years ago, I married my best friend. I feel truly blessed by our commitment to each other, and love for God and each other.

Jeremy and I met at exactly the perfect time... as God's timing always is. Much earlier, and things never would have worked, for we would not have been in the right spot in our lives. We met at a young adult church service (at which Jeremy played guitar) when we were living in Myrtle Beach. We had both attended that service for over a year, and had seen each other all the time, but never actually spoken. One night a friend introduced us and we spent at least an hour afterwards chatting and going through the general introductory get to know you type of conversation. Within a few days he had invited me on our first date, for sushi. We talked at the restaurant for several hours, and then in the car for several hours before I finally went inside. Much to my surprise we never even touched that night... no goodnight kiss, hug, or hand hold. I had only been a Believer for about a year at this time, and definitely had never been on a date with a man of God, with integrity, seeking to honor Him in all things. When Jeremy left without a single sign of affection I was sure he wasn't interested, and wouldn't ever call me again. I was used to the world's way of dating, not the Lord's.

Much to my surprise Jeremy did call me again, and we continued to spend time together, still with no signs of affection. I wasn't sure if I was in the friend trap initially, or exactly what his intentions were. Along this path of getting to know each other we had talked and prayed several times about whether we were (or would actually date), about whether we could serve God better together, or as singles. After going around with this a couple times we ended up in official "dating" status. Jeremy had told me that God had put it on his heart to strive for purity in our relationship, to flee from physical temptation, so we would not kiss while dating (that's a rough paraphrase from how it actually happened, but that was several years ago).

Again, this was completely foreign to me, but I was relieved to understand why he hadn't tried to "bust a move on me" yet. It wasn't that he wasn't attracted to me, he was just more committed to honoring God (and me) through our relationship, than he was in indulging instant gratification. (Please know that I'm not saying that this is a requirement for all Christian relationships, it was just what we needed and what the Lord had for us). My heart melted at this! God had given me exactly what I had needed, a man of character, honor, and integrity! A man that I was sure was interested in me, and not just physical gratification. Since we didn't spend endless hours "necking" during our dating period, we had lots of time to talk, and really get to know each other, and that we did.

8 months later we got engaged, exchanged our first "I love you" with each other (as Jeremy had resolved not to seek my heart, until he could ask for it in marriage), and had our first kiss! 4 months later we were married.

Our wedding was small and simple by today's standards, but was perfect for us.

And two years later here we are; more committed to each other, and more in love with each other than ever. As our love continues to mature, we continue to become more united, and strive to serve our God.



  1. Absolutely beautiful.
    Happy Anniversary!!

  2. Yeah! I am FINALLY able to post a comment to your blog! I have been having difficulty doing so, ugh!

    Anyway, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! It was WONDERFUL to read your testimony about how came to know your husband. It was wonderful!

    So, what did you do on your anniversary? Anything special?

    Well, take care, and may you and Jeremy have many more wonderful (how many times have I used that word in this post?) years together as a married couple!

  3. Congrats! You two look so happy.

  4. Shannon,
    You and Jeremy are perfect for each other. You both are so good for one another and I love to see how God is working in your lives. Ya'll took a step of faith adventuring to something new earlier this year and I'm so happy for you both that everything is going so well.

    Miss you so much!

  5. Happy Anniversary. It is such a blessing to know that there are young people out there that still desire to honor God. Thanks for sharing your (love)story.

  6. Thanks everyone!

    We took 3 days off of work for our anniversary and had a 5 day weekend. We stayed in a hotel in the French Quarter on the actual day, and went out to a nice dinner... but that's a whole post in itself that I'll do soon.

