Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY October 21, 2008...
Outside My Window... A parking lot. Sunshine. Everything is still.
I am thinking... About my memory verses for class tomorrow morning. Galatians 3:26-28, Philippians 3:20-21.
I am thankful for... Jeremy’s deal closing last week. The coat that I got to buy as a treat resulting from that. My amazing husband and his heart. My girls and their fellowship and encouragement. Fall; nice weather, fun seasonal traditions.
From the kitchen... Curried chicken salad.
I am wearing... An Ann Taylor suit, can’t wait to be in lounge clothes!
I am creating... I have more projects underway than I can keep up with; homemade Christmas cards, knitted scarf, scrapbook from when Jeremy and I started dating through now, homemade birthday cards, various Christmas presents, and hoping to start sewing something with my new machine very soon.
I am going... Going on a walk with my hubby and then hangin' out at home and working on my memory verses.
I am reading... This week… Judges, Natural Family Planning, A New Kind of Christian, The Tightwad Gazette, Organic Disciplemaking, Putting Together the Puzzle of the Old Testament, The Arrival Kit and flipping through Generation Tshirt for inspiration for some sewing projects
I am hoping... For good weather for Saturday. We’re going to a Harvest Party that a friends church is putting on at her house and I’m looking forward to pumpkin carving, marshmallow roasting and lots of outdoor fun!
I am hearing... Bad radio, but too lazy to get up and change it.
Around the house... Dishes to be put away, broken faucet knob in need of being replaced, scattered cardmaking and scrapbooking supplies, laundry waiting to be put away and an unfinished game of Chinese checkers from last night.
One of my favorite things... My new green coat! I have had my eye on it and am just dying to wear it!
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Class at 5:45 tomorrow morning. Work all week. Thursday night coffee with Caitlin. Friday night praying with our home church about whether or not we are going to continue on as a church, or uproot (pray for us please!). Saturday morning coffee with the girls. Saturday afternoon Harvest party.
Here is picture thought I am sharing...

(an evening sunset view from our front "porch")... isn't our God creative? isn't His creation breathtaking?

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