Wednesday, January 25, 2012

things I'm LOVING right now

  • this moment... my little boy snuggled up on my lap wearing his daddy's hat
  • that this little boy's newest favorite activity is going and grabbing one of daddy's hats and wearing them for hours
  • that said hats, naturally turn and sit sideways on his little head making him look like a mini thug
  • that this little boy has a new found love for snuggling, and will sit on my lap for as long as an hour reading, or while we are just silly with each other
  • those chubby little cheeks!
  • those bright blue eyes!
  • that Jeremy has been playing the guitar very regularly lately
  • that Noah loves his daddy playing the guitar
  • being neighborly... recently being able to share our extra leftovers with neighbors, and also borrow crafting supplies
  • a 30 day break from facebook
  • a slow pace of life now that the holidays are over
  • having some time to be creative and craft with this slower pace
  • a new pair of running shoes, courtesy of wellness dollar from Jeremy's work
  • a new pair of TOMS, courtesy of some Christmas money
  • skinny jeans... so comfy!
  • perusing a new-to-me cookbook
  • teaching Noah how to color with crayons
  • a fun evening last night with friends and neighbors enjoying yummy 2/$2 tacos from the bar down the street
James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Thank you Lord for all of your good gifts!

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