Monday, January 30, 2012

Honey Whole Wheat Bread

I am still a very amateur baker, but I am enjoying slowly learning bit by bit about baking bread.  I'm ever so slowly conquering my fear of yeast.  The art of baking bread appeals to me.  It's rustic, romantic, slow, contemplative.  Freshly baked bread is so much better than what can be bought in the store, not to mention SO much cheaper.  Plus, I love the act of making things to nourish my family.

I decided to give this one good loaf recipe a try.  I love that this recipe bakes only 1 loaf, which is perfect for our small family.  I used all whole wheat flour (which, from my research can make the bread more difficult to rise), to meet our preference.  Other than that I followed the recipe as is, but in the future I think I'd like to substitute olive oil for the shortening.

As I worked my way through the bread making process, listening to my favorite worship cd (Fike and Dana), I couldn't help but think about the many references in Scripture to yeast and baking bread.  There's so much profound truth to be found and learned through this ancient act of baking bread.

Matthew 13:33 He told them still another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds of flour until it worked all through the dough.”

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