Wednesday, August 26, 2009

our anniversary celebration

we had a wonderful anniversary weekend. we took 3 days off of work and had a 5 day weekend. the weather was perfect, hardly any humidity and temperatures in the low to mid 80's. we managed to get to the park every day for a walk or jog. we squeezed in some time with jeremy's parents, hung out with a friend at a coffee shop/ book store and did lots of relaxing. for our actual celebration on our anniversary we got a hotel room (thanks to an awesome friends and family discount from a friend) in the french quarter, explored the area, and went out for a nice dinner. here's some of the pics from our day in the french quarter.

one of the courtyards and other rooms at our hotel

the door to our room... this hotel was so quaint and filled with charm

overlooking the courtyard


our bathroom with the jacuzzi tub

our bedroom

a local used bookstore that we perused

my dashing husband of 2 years!

us near the french market

the famous cafe du monde

and jackson square


me again

the restaurant where we ate dinner... beautiful ambiance

getting ready for dinner

heading out the door



  1. I love the photos! It looks like you had a wonderful celebration. Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary!!

  2. Hello Shannon.

    Congratulations on your anniversary. Your pictures look great!

    I was sorry to hear that you left the Myrtle Beach area. I have returned to Kelly, but the office (and the work) is not the same without you. Olsten staffing has also left, so I am somewhat starting over again (even though Kelly still has me in their system).

    I am considering registering with a second agency and would like to use your name as a Temp Agency Supervisor, since you were so complimentary about my work for you.

    I enjoyed catching up with you, via your blog!

    Best wishes to you both.

    Mike O'Toole
